This game of battleships is very simple to start:
There are 2 players
Each player has a grid which is 7*7
Each player has 9 Battleships, each of which can occupy only one square on their grid
Each player can place their battleships anywhere on their grid
After all the ships are placed, players take it in turns to pick any grid square reference on their opponent's grid to shoot at
If the player hits a battleship, then it is sunk, and the turn passes to the opponent
If the player misses a battleship then it is called a miss, and the turn passes to the opponent
The player to first sink all their opponent's battleships is the winner
There are tests in the main_test.go file. The two existing tests are:
- TestCreateGrid
- TestPlayerOneTakingShot
There is also a "utility" function getRandomGridSquare that will return a random square on the playing grid using co-ordinates, which is why it returns a slice of int.
There is a single test for our own utility function called TestRandomGridSquare. This test checks that the returned co-ordinates (the slice) are valid.