curl -s | bash
This will create ~/tools/environment folder with the scripts. Export some environment variables (from .profile
or similar) and source the
export JAVA_HOME6="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/"
export JAVA_HOME7="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/"
export JBOSS4_HOME=~/tools/jboss-4.2.1.GA/
export SOURCES_ROOT=~/Source
export SOURCE_ROOT=~/Source/pagero
. ~/tools/environment/
`base <name>` - set the current source root working environment (tab completes from `SOURCES_ROOT`)
`go <name>` - change working directory (tab completes from `SOURCE_ROOT` set by `base`)
`setjava <6|7>` - set `JAVA_HOME` to `JAVA_HOME6` or `JAVA_HOME7`
`deploytest <instance>` - Deploy test ear (defaults to system test JBoss instance, tab complete to show available instances) (looks in curren directory and upwards for files)
`deploy <instance>` - Deploy prod ear (defaults to default JBoss instance, tab complete to show available instances) (looks in curren directory and upwards for files)
`st` - Run systemtest for current source dir
`run <instance>` - Starts JBoss instance`
`debug <instance>` - Starts JBoss instance with debug parameters (invokes `` instead of ``, so configure JBoss accordingly)
`jboss <instance>` - Change dir to `JBOSS4_HOME` or `JBOSS4_HOME/server/instance` if specified
`mi <params>` - Invokes `mvn clean install <params>` in the currect directory
`mci <params>` - Invokes `mvn install <params>` in the current directory
`fast <params>` - Invokes `mvn install -Pfast.install <params>` in the current directory (skips test compile and tests)
`fastclean <params>` - Invokes `mvn clean install -Pfast.install <params>` in the current directory (skips test compile and tests)
`allstat` - Show git statistics for all repositories under `SOURCE_ROOT`
`allstash` - Show git stashes for all repositories under `SOURCE_ROOT`
`changessincelastrelease` - Show changes since last release for current directory
`setversion <version>` - Updates `pom.xml` versions to `version` for current directory (and children)
`git-wtf` - Shows (extensive) git repository status compared with remote (i.e. need to push/pull branches and so on)