This script allows your topology and node information to exported from either an on-prem or CVaaS instance of CloudVision Portal to a YAML file that can be imported into Arista Test Cloud.
The generated topology file will match the CVP release to that of the cvp release it was exported from. Likewise the software release will be matched per node.
Any nodes identified, that are not in the CVP inventory will be created as generic linux devices
The defaults are reasonbly sensible, but you mist provide either an API --token
(mandatory for CVaaS), or a --username
for authentication. On-premises CVP can also use API tokens but this is not mandatory.
If the --password
is not provided you will be prompted
Script arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --test If --test is set, we will not connect to CVP but instead try and use local json files as our
source data. Disabled by default.
--export Store the responses from CVP as json data locally, for later testing. Disabled by default.
Output file name, default is: generated_act_topology.yaml
--streaming Only add nodes that are actively streaming from the CVP inventory. Any nodes (and their links)
that are not streaming, will not be created. Disabled by default.
--create-generic If there are non-CVP nodes whose presence is inferred from the link data, create them as
generic linux hosts. Disabled by default
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
username if using on-prem user accounts
--token TOKEN API token, required if on CVaaS
--cvp CVP Hostname(s) or IP(s) of the CVP instance to connect to
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password for connecting to CVP, when not using API tokens
Full sample is available here
username: root
password: cvproot
version: 2021.3.1
instance: singleinstance
version: CentOS-8-8.2.2004
username: ansible
password: ansible
- do398:
node_type: veos
version: 4.28.1F
neighbors: []
- hs319:
node_type: veos
version: 4.25.6M
- neighborDevice: AVD-LEAF3A
neighborPort: Ethernet1
port: Ethernet1
- neighborDevice: AVD-LEAF3A
neighborPort: Ethernet2
port: Ethernet2
- ld357:
node_type: veos
version: 4.23.6M
neighbors: []
- The management IPs are updated to match the pool required within Arista Test Cloud [ATC] (
- A single CVP instance is assumed
- Generate the CVP connectivity
- Check exactly the reserved IPs within ATC managemnet network that are in use for services