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Meta programming using structs and JIT value type optimization

Alex Peck edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 5 revisions

ConcurrentLruCore features injectable behaviors defined as structs. Structs are subject to special JIT optimizations, and the .NET JIT compiler can inline, eliminate dead code and propogate JIT time constants based on structs. Using this technique, ConcurrentLruCore can be customized to support LRU and TLRU policies without compromising execution speed.

Example: ConcurrentLruCore.TryGet

This is the source code for the TryGet method. It calls into two value type generic type arguments: policy (1) and hitcounter (2).

public bool TryGet(K key, out V value)
    I item;
    if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out item))
        return GetOrDiscard(item, out value);

    value = default(V);
    return false;

// AggressiveInlining forces the JIT to inline policy.ShouldDiscard(). For LRU policy 
// the first branch is completely eliminated due to JIT time constant propogation.
private bool GetOrDiscard(I item, out V value)
    if (this.policy.ShouldDiscard(item)) // 1
        this.Move(item, ItemDestination.Remove);
        this.hitCounter.IncrementMiss(); // 2
        value = default(V);
        return false;

    value = item.Value;
    this.policy.Touch(item); // 1
    this.hitCounter.IncrementHit(); // 2
    return true;

FastConcurrentLru (LruPolicy & NullHitCounter)

The LruPolicy used by FastConcurrentLru/ConcurrentLru is hardcoded to never discard items.

   public readonly struct LruPolicy<K, V> : IPolicy<K, V, LruItem<K, V>>
        public bool ShouldDiscard(LruItem<K, V> item)
            return false;

The branch and enclosed code for ShouldDiscard are completely eliminated by JIT (1). Since the below code is from FastConcurrentLru, the hit counting calls (2) are also eliminated. The assembly code for the FastConcurrentLru.TryGet method with LruPolicy and NullHitCounter is 76 bytes:

; BitFaster.Caching.Lru.TemplateConcurrentLru`5[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.__Canon, System.Private.CoreLib],[BitFaster.Caching.Lru.LruPolicy`2[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib]], BitFaster.Caching],[BitFaster.Caching.Lru.NullHitCounter, BitFaster.Caching]].TryGet(Int32, Int32 ByRef)
       push      rsi
       sub       rsp,30
       xor       eax,eax
       mov       [rsp+28],rax
       mov       rsi,r8
       mov       rcx,[rcx+8]
       lea       r8,[rsp+28]
       cmp       [rcx],ecx
       call      qword ptr [7FFED15190A0]
       test      eax,eax
       je        short M01_L00
       mov       rax,[rsp+28]
       mov       eax,[rax+0C]
       mov       [rsi],eax
       mov       rax,[rsp+28]
       mov       byte ptr [rax+10],1
       mov       eax,1
       add       rsp,30
       pop       rsi
       xor       eax,eax
       mov       [rsi],eax
       add       rsp,30
       pop       rsi
; Total bytes of code 76

FastConcurrentTLru (TLruLongTicksPolicy & NullHitCounter)

The struct TLruLongTicksPolicy used in FastConcurrentTLru can expire items.

   public readonly struct TLruLongTicksPolicy<K, V> : IPolicy<K, V, LongTickCountLruItem<K, V>>
        public bool ShouldDiscard(LongTickCountLruItem<K, V> item)
            if (Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - item.TickCount > this.timeToLive)
                return true;

            return false;

As a result, the JITted code now includes branch 2 and the assembly code grows considerably to 312 bytes.

; BitFaster.Caching.Lru.TemplateConcurrentLru`5[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.__Canon, System.Private.CoreLib],[BitFaster.Caching.Lru.TLruLongTicksPolicy`2[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib]], BitFaster.Caching],[BitFaster.Caching.Lru.NullHitCounter, BitFaster.Caching]].TryGet(Int32, Int32 ByRef)
       push      rbp
       push      r15
       push      r14
       push      r13
       push      r12
       push      rdi
       push      rsi
       push      rbx
       sub       rsp,88
       lea       rbp,[rsp+0C0]
       xor       ebx,ebx
       mov       [rbp+0FFC0],rbx
       mov       [rbp+0FFB8],rbx
       mov       [rbp+20],r8
       mov       rsi,rcx
       mov       ebx,edx
       lea       rcx,[rbp+0FF70]
       mov       rdx,r10
       mov       r14,rax
       mov       rcx,rsp
       mov       [rbp+0FF90],rcx
       mov       rcx,rbp
       mov       [rbp+0FFA0],rcx
       mov       rcx,[rsi+8]
       lea       r8,[rbp+0FFC0]
       mov       edx,ebx
       cmp       [rcx],ecx
       call      qword ptr [7FFED15290A0]
       test      eax,eax
       je        near ptr M01_L03
       mov       [rbp+10],rsi
       mov       rbx,[rsi+40]
       mov       r15,[rbp+0FFC0]
       mov       [rbp+0FFB0],r15
       lea       rcx,[rbp+0FFB8]
       xor       r11d,r11d
       mov       rax,offset MD_Interop+Kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter(Int64*)
       mov       [rbp+0FF80],rax
       lea       rax,[M01_L00]
       mov       [rbp+0FF98],rax
       lea       rax,[rbp+0FF70]
       mov       [r14+10],rax
       mov       byte ptr [r14+0C],0
       call      qword ptr [7FFED151D7D0]
       mov       byte ptr [r14+0C],1
       cmp       dword ptr [7FFED1524BD8],0
       je        short M01_L01
       call      qword ptr [7FFED1528278]
       mov       rcx,[rbp+0FF78]
       mov       [r14+10],rcx
       mov       rcx,[rbp+0FFB8]
       mov       r15,[rbp+0FFB0]
       sub       rcx,[r15+18]
       cmp       rcx,rbx
       jle       short M01_L02
       mov       rcx,[rbp+10]
       mov       rdx,[rbp+0FFC0]
       mov       r8d,2
       call      BitFaster.Caching.Lru.TemplateConcurrentLru`5[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.__Canon, System.Private.CoreLib],[BitFaster.Caching.Lru.TLruLongTicksPolicy`2[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib]], BitFaster.Caching],[BitFaster.Caching.Lru.NullHitCounter, BitFaster.Caching]].Move(System.__Canon, BitFaster.Caching.Lru.ItemDestination)
       xor       eax,eax
       mov       rdi,[rbp+20]
       mov       [rdi],eax
       jmp       short M01_L04
       mov       rax,[rbp+0FFC0]
       mov       eax,[rax+0C]
       mov       rdi,[rbp+20]
       mov       [rdi],eax
       mov       rax,[rbp+0FFC0]
       mov       byte ptr [rax+10],1
       mov       eax,1
       jmp       short M01_L04
       xor       eax,eax
       mov       rdi,[rbp+20]
       mov       [rdi],eax
       movzx     eax,al
       mov       byte ptr [r14+0C],1
       lea       rsp,[rbp+0FFC8]
       pop       rbx
       pop       rsi
       pop       rdi
       pop       r12
       pop       r13
       pop       r14
       pop       r15
       pop       rbp
; Total bytes of code 312