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#570 Reworked measurement model for sweeps in kalman filter
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Now supports arbitrary axis of rotation for the rotor and tilt angle for the light plane
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krichardsson committed May 20, 2020
1 parent ce7b901 commit 8787986
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Showing 3 changed files with 106 additions and 103 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
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Expand Up @@ -247,14 +247,13 @@ typedef struct {
/** Sweep angle measurement */
typedef struct {
uint32_t timestamp;
vec3d* baseStationPos;
mat3d* baseStationRot; // Base station rotation matrix
mat3d* baseStationRotInv; // Inverted base station rotation matrix
float angleX;
float angleY;
float stdDevX;
float stdDevY;
vec3d* sensorPos;
vec3d* sensorPos; // Sensor position in the CF reference frame
vec3d* rotorPos; // Pos of rotor origin in global reference frame
mat3d* rotorRot; // Rotor rotation matrix
mat3d* rotorRotInv; // Inverted rotor rotation matrix
float tan_t; // t is the tilt angle of the light plane on the rotor
float measuredSweepAngle;
float stdDev;
} sweepAngleMeasurement_t;

// Frequencies to bo used with the RATE_DO_EXECUTE_HZ macro. Do NOT use an arbitrary number.
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127 changes: 56 additions & 71 deletions src/modules/src/kalman_core.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -571,82 +571,67 @@ void kalmanCoreUpdateWithYawError(kalmanCoreData_t *this, yawErrorMeasurement_t
scalarUpdate(this, &H, this->S[KC_STATE_D2] - error->yawError, error->stdDev);

static void scalarUpdateForSweep(kalmanCoreData_t *this, float measuredSweepAngle, float dp, float dx, kalmanCoreStateIdx_t state_p, float stdDev, arm_matrix_instance_f32* R, float distanceToBs, const uint32_t tick) {
if(dx != 0) {
float predictedSweepAngle = atan2(dp, dx);
void kalmanCoreUpdateWithSweepAngles(kalmanCoreData_t *this, sweepAngleMeasurement_t *angles, const uint32_t tick) {
// Rotate the sensor position from CF reference frame to global reference frame,
// using the CF roatation matrix
vec3d s;
arm_matrix_instance_f32 Rcf_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)this->R};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 scf_ = {3, 1, *angles->sensorPos};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 s_ = {3, 1, s};
mat_mult(&Rcf_, &scf_, &s_);

// Get the current state values of the position of the crazyflie (global reference frame) and add the relative sensor pos
vec3d pcf = {this->S[KC_STATE_X] + s[0], this->S[KC_STATE_Y] + s[1], this->S[KC_STATE_Z] + s[2]};

// Calculate the difference between the rotor and the sensor on the CF (global reference frame)
const vec3d* pr = angles->rotorPos;
vec3d stmp = {pcf[0] - (*pr)[0], pcf[1] - (*pr)[1], pcf[2] - (*pr)[2]};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 stmp_ = {3, 1, stmp};

// Rotate the difference in position to the rotor reference frame,
// using the rotor inverse rotation matrix
vec3d sr;
arm_matrix_instance_f32 Rr_inv_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)(*angles->rotorRotInv)};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 sr_ = {3, 1, sr};
mat_mult(&Rr_inv_, &stmp_, &sr_);

// The following computations are in the rotor refernece frame
const float x = sr[0];
const float y = sr[1];
const float z = sr[2];
const float tan_t = angles->tan_t;

const float r2 = x * x + y * y;
const float r = arm_sqrt(r2);
const float z_tan_t = z * tan_t;

const float predictedSweepAngle = atan2(y, x) + asin(z_tan_t / r);
const float measuredSweepAngle = angles->measuredSweepAngle;
const float error = measuredSweepAngle - predictedSweepAngle;

if (outlierFilterValidateLighthouseSweep(&sweepOutlierFilterState, r, error, tick)) {
// Calculate H vector (in the rotor reference frame)
const float q = tan_t / arm_sqrt(r2 - z_tan_t * z_tan_t);
vec3d gr = {(-y - x * z * q) / r2, (x - y * z * q) / r2 , q};

// gr is in the rotor reference frame, rotate back to the global
// reference frame using the rotor rotation matrix
vec3d g;
arm_matrix_instance_f32 gr_ = {3, 1, gr};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 Rr_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)(*angles->rotorRot)};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 g_ = {3, 1, g};
mat_mult(&Rr_, &gr_, &g_);

float angleError = measuredSweepAngle - predictedSweepAngle;
if (outlierFilterValidateLighthouseSweep(&sweepOutlierFilterState, distanceToBs, angleError, tick)) {
float n = (dx * dx + dp * dp);

float h[KC_STATE_DIM] = {0};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 H = {1, KC_STATE_DIM, h};

// Rotate back to global coordinate system
vec3d h_b = {0, 0, 0};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 H_B = {3, 1, h_b};
h_b[KC_STATE_X] = -dp / n;
h_b[state_p] = dx / n;

vec3d h_g = {0, 0, 0};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 H_G = {3, 1, h_g};

mat_mult(R, &H_B, &H_G);

h[KC_STATE_X] = h_g[0];
h[KC_STATE_Y] = h_g[1];
h[KC_STATE_Z] = h_g[2];
float h[KC_STATE_DIM] = {0};
h[KC_STATE_X] = g[0];
h[KC_STATE_Y] = g[1];
h[KC_STATE_Z] = g[2];

scalarUpdate(this, &H, angleError, stdDev);
arm_matrix_instance_f32 H = {1, KC_STATE_DIM, h};
scalarUpdate(this, &H, error, angles->stdDev);

void kalmanCoreUpdateWithSweepAngles(kalmanCoreData_t *this, sweepAngleMeasurement_t *angles, const uint32_t tick)
// Get rotation matrix and invert it (to get the global to local rotation matrix)
arm_matrix_instance_f32 basestation_rotation_matrix = {3, 3, (float32_t *)(*angles->baseStationRot)};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 basestation_rotation_matrix_inv = {3, 3, (float32_t *)(*angles->baseStationRotInv)};

// Rotate the sensor position using the CF roatation matrix, to rotate it to global coordinates
arm_matrix_instance_f32 CF_ROT_MATRIX = {3, 3, (float32_t *)this->R};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 SENSOR_RELATVIVE_POS = {3, 1, *angles->sensorPos};
vec3d sensor_relative_pos_glob = {0};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 SENSOR_RELATVIVE_POS_GLOB = {3, 1, sensor_relative_pos_glob};

// Get the current state values of the position of the crazyflie and add the relative sensor pos
float pos_x = this->S[KC_STATE_X] + sensor_relative_pos_glob[0];
float pos_y = this->S[KC_STATE_Y] + sensor_relative_pos_glob[1];
float pos_z = this->S[KC_STATE_Z] + sensor_relative_pos_glob[2];

// Calculate the difference between the base stations and the sensor on the CF.
const float* baseStationPos = *angles->baseStationPos;
float dx = pos_x - baseStationPos[0];
float dy = pos_y - baseStationPos[1];
float dz = pos_z - baseStationPos[2];

// Rotate the difference in position to be relative to the basestation
vec3d position_diff = {dx, dy, dz};
vec3d position_diff_rotated = {0, 0, 0};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 vec_pos_diff = {3, 1, position_diff};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 vec_pos_diff_rot = {3, 1, position_diff_rotated};
mat_mult(&basestation_rotation_matrix_inv, &vec_pos_diff, &vec_pos_diff_rot);

float dx_rot = position_diff_rotated[0];
float dy_rot = position_diff_rotated[1];
float dz_rot = position_diff_rotated[2];

// Retrieve the measured sweepangles
float measuredSweepAngleHorizontal = angles->angleX;
float measuredSweepAngleVertical = angles->angleY;

float distanceToBs = arm_sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

scalarUpdateForSweep(this, measuredSweepAngleHorizontal, dy_rot, dx_rot, KC_STATE_Y, angles->stdDevX, &basestation_rotation_matrix, distanceToBs, tick);
scalarUpdateForSweep(this, measuredSweepAngleVertical, dz_rot, dx_rot, KC_STATE_Z, angles->stdDevY, &basestation_rotation_matrix, distanceToBs, tick);

void kalmanCorePredict(kalmanCoreData_t* this, float cmdThrust, Axis3f *acc, Axis3f *gyro, float dt, bool quadIsFlying)
/* Here we discretize (euler forward) and linearise the quadrocopter dynamics in order
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67 changes: 43 additions & 24 deletions src/modules/src/lighthouse/lighthouse_position_est.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,26 +49,39 @@ static STATS_CNT_RATE_DEFINE(estBs1Rate, HALF_SECOND);
static statsCntRateLogger_t* bsEstRates[PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_BASE_STATIONS] = {&estBs0Rate, &estBs1Rate};

baseStationEulerAngles_t lighthouseBaseStationAngles[PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_BASE_STATIONS];

// Pre calculated data used in state updates
static mat3d baseStationInvertedRotationMatrixes[PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_BASE_STATIONS];
static mat3d lh1Rotor2RotationMatrixes[PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_BASE_STATIONS];
static mat3d lh1Rotor2InvertedRotationMatrixes[PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_BASE_STATIONS];

static void invertRotationMatrix(mat3d rot, mat3d inverted);
static void preProcessGeometryData(mat3d bsRot, mat3d bsRotInverted, mat3d lh1Rotor2Rot, mat3d lh1Rotor2RotInverted);

void lightHousePositionGeometryDataUpdated() {
for (int i = 0; i < PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_BASE_STATIONS; i++) {
lighthouseGeometryCalculateAnglesFromRotationMatrix(&lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[i], &lighthouseBaseStationAngles[i]);
invertRotationMatrix(lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[i].mat, baseStationInvertedRotationMatrixes[i]);
preProcessGeometryData(lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[i].mat, baseStationInvertedRotationMatrixes[i], lh1Rotor2RotationMatrixes[i], lh1Rotor2InvertedRotationMatrixes[i]);

static void invertRotationMatrix(mat3d rot, mat3d inverted) {
// arm_mat_inverse_f32() alters the original matrix in the process, must make a copy to work from
float bs_r_tmp[3][3];
memcpy(bs_r_tmp, (float32_t *)rot, sizeof(bs_r_tmp));
arm_matrix_instance_f32 basestation_rotation_matrix_tmp = {3, 3, (float32_t *)bs_r_tmp};

arm_matrix_instance_f32 basestation_rotation_matrix_inv = {3, 3, (float32_t *)inverted};
arm_mat_inverse_f32(&basestation_rotation_matrix_tmp, &basestation_rotation_matrix_inv);
static void preProcessGeometryData(mat3d bsRot, mat3d bsRotInverted, mat3d lh1Rotor2Rot, mat3d lh1Rotor2RotInverted) {
// For a rotation matrix inverse and transpose is equal. Use transpose instead
arm_matrix_instance_f32 bsRot_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)bsRot};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 bsRotInverted_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)bsRotInverted};
arm_mat_trans_f32(&bsRot_, &bsRotInverted_);

// In a LH1 system, the axis of rotation of the second rotor is perpendicular to the first rotor
mat3d secondRotorInvertedR = {
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, -1},
{0, 1, 0}
arm_matrix_instance_f32 secondRotorInvertedR_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)secondRotorInvertedR};
arm_matrix_instance_f32 lh1Rotor2Rot_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)lh1Rotor2Rot};
arm_mat_mult_f32(&bsRot_, &secondRotorInvertedR_, &lh1Rotor2Rot_);

arm_matrix_instance_f32 lh1Rotor2RotInverted_ = {3, 3, (float32_t *)lh1Rotor2RotInverted};
arm_mat_trans_f32(&lh1Rotor2Rot_, &lh1Rotor2RotInverted_);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,21 +141,27 @@ static void estimatePositionSweeps(pulseProcessorResult_t* angles, int baseStati
for (size_t sensor = 0; sensor < PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_SENSORS; sensor++) {
pulseProcessorBaseStationMeasuremnt_t* bsMeasurement = &angles->sensorMeasurements[sensor].baseStatonMeasurements[baseStation];
if (bsMeasurement->validCount == PULSE_PROCESSOR_N_SWEEPS) {
sweepAngleMeasurement_t sweepAngles;
sweepAngles.angleX = bsMeasurement->correctedAngles[0];
sweepAngles.angleY = bsMeasurement->correctedAngles[1];

if (sweepAngles.angleX != 0 && sweepAngles.angleY != 0) {
sweepAngles.stdDevX = sweepStd;
sweepAngles.stdDevY = sweepStd;

sweepAngles.sensorPos = &sensorDeckPositions[sensor];
sweepAngleMeasurement_t sweepInfo;
sweepInfo.sensorPos = &sensorDeckPositions[sensor];
sweepInfo.stdDev = sweepStd;
sweepInfo.rotorPos = &lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[baseStation].origin;
sweepInfo.tan_t = 0;

sweepInfo.measuredSweepAngle = bsMeasurement->correctedAngles[0];
if (sweepInfo.measuredSweepAngle != 0) {
sweepInfo.rotorRot = &lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[baseStation].mat;
sweepInfo.rotorRotInv = &baseStationInvertedRotationMatrixes[baseStation];


sweepAngles.baseStationPos = &lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[baseStation].origin;
sweepAngles.baseStationRot = &lighthouseBaseStationsGeometry[baseStation].mat;
sweepAngles.baseStationRotInv = &baseStationInvertedRotationMatrixes[baseStation];
sweepInfo.measuredSweepAngle = bsMeasurement->correctedAngles[1];
if (sweepInfo.measuredSweepAngle != 0) {
sweepInfo.rotorRot = &lh1Rotor2RotationMatrixes[baseStation];
sweepInfo.rotorRotInv = &lh1Rotor2InvertedRotationMatrixes[baseStation];

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