This code is the PyTorch implementation of Low-light Raw Video Denoising with a High-quality Realistic Motion Dataset.
Abstract: Recently, supervised deep-learning methods have shown their effectiveness on raw video denoising in low-light. However, existing training datasets have specific drawbacks, e.g., inaccurate noise modeling in synthetic datasets, simple motion created by hand or fixed motion, and limited-quality ground truth caused by the beam splitter in real captured datasets. These defects significantly decline the performance of network when tackling real low-light video sequences, where noise distribution and motion patterns are extremely complex. In this paper, we collect a raw video denoising dataset in low-light with complex motion and high-quality ground truth, overcoming the drawbacks of previous datasets. Specifically, we capture 210 paired videos, each containing short/long exposure pairs of real video frames with dynamic objects and diverse scenes displayed on a high-end monitor. Besides, since spatial self-similarity has been extensively utilized in image tasks, harnessing this property for network design is more crucial for video denoising as temporal redundancy. To effectively exploit the intrinsic temporal-spatial self-similarity of complex motion in real videos, we propose a new Transformer-based network, which can effectively combine the locality of convolution with the long-range modeling ability of 3D temporal-spatial self-attention. Extensive experiments verify the value of our dataset and the effectiveness of our method on various metrics.
- Python 3.7.11
- PyTorch 1.8.2
- numpy 1.21.2
- opencv 4.5.5
- scikit-image 0.16.2
We follow the dataset setup in RViDeNet. Please click this link for detailed preparation description.
We are arganizing the data, and it be soon uploaded.
If you find the code helpful in your resarch or work, please cite the following paper(s).
author={Fu, Ying and Wang, Zichun and Zhang, Tao and Zhang, Jun},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
title={Low-light Raw Video Denoising with a High-quality Realistic Motion Dataset},