The Bisq DAO node provides access to Bisq network data as well as Bisq DAO data via a REST API. It is used for Bisq 2 to request data about the DAO state as well as account age and account witness data for reputation use cases.
This repo has a dependency on git submodules bisq
and bisq-gradle.
There are two ways to clone it before it can be compiled:
# 1) Use the --recursive option in the clone command:
$ git clone --recursive
# 2) Do a normal clone, and pull down the bisq repo dependency with two git submodule commands:
$ git clone
$ cd bisq-daonode
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
To build:
$ ./gradlew clean build
To update submodule:
$ git pull --recurse-submodules
$ git submodule update --remote
Program arguments to run 'DaoNodeApplication' with Bitcoin Regtest and localhost mode:
--appName=[your app name]
--rpcUser=[Bitcoin rpc username]
--rpcPassword=[Bitcoin rpc password]
--rpcBlockNotificationPort=[port used in blocknotify]
To run the 'DaoNodeApplication' you need to have Bitcoin node running and have 'blocknotify' in the bitcoin.conf
set up.
REST API documentation: Run the 'DaoNodeApplication' and go to: http://localhost:8082/doc/v1/index.html