There are 3 possibilities to interface with the sensors:
You can also use the ROS package by downloading this package . The serial communication stack is provided by this package. Until the contrary is proved, the package is compatible with any revision of ROS starting from "Fuerte".
Using the Sensor Graphical User Interface available on Wiwndows. The source code and installation file is publicly available here.
Developing your own serial communication software stack. The sensor protocol is documented in research_group_central google driver tactile_sensor_materials folder.
A Video showing some of the sensor's capabilities and characteristics is here.
Responsible for extracting and publishing the static, dynamic and IMU data from tactile sensors. The results are then published on /TactileSensor3/StaticData
, /TactileSensor3/DynamicData
or /TactileSensor3/DynamicAndIMUData
The static data are published in format std_msgs::Int32MultiArray while dynamic and imu data are published in format std_msgs::Float64.
DataListener.cpp - A example script that listens for any kind of data