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CLAW Vagrant Playbook



This is an Ansible playbook for Islandora CLAW. It also has a vagrant file to bring up a development environment virtual machine for Islandora CLAW.

This virtual machine should not be used in production yet.

If you struggle with following the instructions for setting up the requirements a simpler step-by-step guidelines for turning nearly any computer into an Islandora CLAW environment can be found at "for Beginners".


  1. VirtualBox
  2. Vagrant (Known to work with 2.0.1 - 2.1.2)
  3. git
  4. ansible 2.3+
  5. virtualbox-vbguest plugin (If targeting CENTOS)


System Resources

By default the virtual machine that is built uses 3GB of RAM. Your host machine will need to be able to support the additional memory use. You can override the CPU and RAM allocation by creating ISLANDORA_VAGRANT_CPUS and ISLANDORA_VAGRANT_MEMORY environment variables and setting the values. For example, on an Ubuntu host you could add to ~/.bashrc:



CENTOS support is WIP and not to be considered stable

Ubuntu 16.04 is the default linux distribution used by claw-playbook. If you want to use CENTOS 7 instead, set the ISLANDORA_DISTRO environment variable to centos/7. The easiest way to do this is to export the environment variable into your shell before running Vagrant commands. Otherwise you will have to provide the variable for every Vagrant command you issue.

ISLANDORA_DISTRO="centos/7" vagrant up
ISLANDORA_DISTRO="centos/7" vagrant ssh

If you are not using vagrant up to bring up a box, and are running ansible-playbook against it manually, you will need to set ansible_ssh_user to vagrant for your hosts. It's easiest to add this value to inventory/vagrant/group_vars/all.yml to set the value for all hosts. This is not neccessary if using Vagrant, as the ssh user is passed to ansible via the Vagrantfile.



If you're looking for a development environment, using our Vagrant deployment is easiest:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. vagrant up

All-in-one provisioning with Ansible

If you want to provision an all-in-one remote Ubuntu environment, like a production server:

  1. SSH into your remote server and add an user with password-less sudo privileges, and make sure you can log in as that user. Its easiest if you use SSH keys for login, so that you an log in to the server without a password. Another option if you are not comfortable with password-less sudo is to set the ansible_become_pass variable in your inventory as outlined here.
  2. Clone the repository onto your local machine.
  3. Create an inventory for your new environment ('production' in this example): cp -r inventory/vagrant inventory/production.
  4. Edit inventory/production/hosts to point to your new environment by changing 'default' line to:
default ansible_ssh_host=my_ip_or_domain_name

Optionally if you need to specify a username, password or port to connect to the server you can specify those in the inventory file as well:

default ansible_ssh_host=my_ip_or_domain_name ansible_ssh_user=my_user ansible_ssh_pass=my_super_secret_password ansible_ssh_port=my_port

More information about inventories can be found in the ansible documentation.

  1. Update the inventory variables as you see fit to customize your Islandora installation.
  2. You should modify group_vars\all\passwords.yml to use more secure passwords. These passwords can be encrypted using Ansible Vault if you wish to keep your inventory secure.
  3. Change the drupal_trusted_host configuration in inventory/production/group_vars/webserver/drupal.yml to reflect your IP or domain name
  4. To run drupal on port 80, change the following variables:
    • apache_listen_port to 80 in inventory/production/group_vars/webserver/apache.yml
    • crayfish_milliner_drupal_base_url inventory/production/group_vars/crayfish.yml
    • crayfish_milliner_gemini_base_url inventory/production/group_vars/crayfish.yml
    • milliner.baseUrl inventory/production/group_vars/karaf.yml
  5. Any other variable changes you wish.
  6. Install the roles using ansible-galaxy: $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  7. Provision the server:
  • If the host you are provisioning is a Ubuntu 16.04 machine, you may wish to have the playbook install Python for you. This is a requirement to run the playbook. You can do this by passing an additional variable on the command line like this. $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/production playbook.yml -e "islandora_distro=ubuntu/xenial64"
  • If the host you are provisioning is a Centos/7 machine, you may wish to have the playbook install Python for you. This is a requirement to run the playbook. You can do this by passing an additional variable on the command line like this. $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/production playbook.yml -e "islandora_distro=centos/7"


You can connect to the machine via the browser at http://localhost:8000.


The default Drupal login details are:

  • username: admin
  • password: islandora


  • username: drupal8
  • password: islandora


The Fedora 4 REST API can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest.

Authentication is done via Syn using JWT tokens.

Tomcat Manager

  • username: islandora
  • password: islandora

You can access the Tomcat Manager administration UI at http://localhost:8080/manager


You can access the Solr administration UI at http://localhost:8983/solr/


You can connect to the machine via ssh:

  • vagrant ssh
  • ssh -p 2222 ubuntu@localhost


The default VM login details are:

  • username: ubuntu
  • password: ubuntu


The default ActiveMQ login details are:

  • username: admin
  • password: admin

You can access the ActiveMQ administrative interface at: http://localhost:8161/admin


You can access the Canataloupe admin interface at: http://localhost:8080/cantaloupe/admin

  • username: admin
  • password: islandora

You can access the IIIF interface at: http://localhost:8080/cantaloupe/iiif/2/


CLAW uses JWT for authentication across the stack. Crayfish microservices, Fedora, and Drupal all use them. Crayfish and Fedora have been set up to use a master token of islandora to make testing easier. To use it, just set the following header in HTTP requests:

  • Authorization: Bearer islandora

BlazeGraph (Bigdata)

You can access the BlazeGraph interface at: http://localhost:8080/bigdata/

You have to select the islandora namespace in the namespaces tab before you can execute queries.


You can access the FITS Web Service at http://localhost:8080/fits/


CLAW Playbook installs an instance of the Matomo (formally PIWIK) web analytics platform. You can access your instance at: http://localhost:8000/matomo

  • username: admin
  • password: islandora


  1. Get feature parity with CLAW Vagrant
  2. Break each role out into its own git repo, so they can be listed on galaxy
  3. Test install on multiple boxes
  4. Test with other operating systems (?)



Playbook for "brining" up CLAW







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