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cloudspark edited this page Nov 24, 2013 · 3 revisions

Create a RSS Subscribe Channel :

POST /rest/channel
 action : "syndication.subscribe",
 name : "Muddy Colors"
 config : {
   feed_url : ""

 id : "subscribe channel id"

Create an RSS Feed Channel - this will be the container the Subscribe gets pushed to. :

POST /rest/channel
 action : "syndication.feed",
 name : "Creative Feed"

 id : "feed channel id"

Why two channels? Because Subscribe is just a trigger, feed is an aggregator - 1:1 or many:1

Create a Trigger bip with an edge pointing to "Creative Feed" :

POST /rest/bip
  name : "Muddy Colors Sync",
  type : "trigger",
  config : {
    channel_id : "subscribe channel id"
  hub : {
    "source" : {
      edges : [ "feed channel id" ]

 name : "Muddy Colors Sync"
 _repr : "Muddy Colors Sync"

Bipio will invoke this trigger periodically, any new messages will be emitted across the hub to the feed container.

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