This is the online repository of the Software of the open-source hardware project ''UC2'' (You.See.Too.). For a general introduction on UC2 please check our main repository.
RasPi GUI | Android App | Hardware Controlling | Something else |
For a general introduction on UC2 please check our main repository. Our basic belief centers around simple and clean modularity which - combined with creativity and curiosity - can lead to unbelievable achievements. Read more in the UC2 paper: A versatile and customizable low-cost 3D-printed open standard for microscopic imaging .
Like with our toolbox we tried to keep our interfaces modular as well. Therefore, hardware (like Motors, LED, ...) can be adressed using
- Arduino (and alike) via I2C (Hardwired)
- ESP32 (and alike) via MQTT (WiFI)
and could even be a mixture of both.Further, to control this components we provide two different graphical user interfaces (GUI):
- Raspberry Pi (RasPi)
- Android App
All useful links will be provided after the general shape of the repository is shortly displayed.
Find a detailed description here
We have prepared a very basic control app for TheBox to have basic control over the hardware modules. The information can be found here.
Depending on the micro-controller that will be connected the code that is needed for flashing can be found in different folders.
Find a complete shopping'n'printing list including estimated prices for all modules and setups and also the RasPi and Hardware controlling parts in this BILL OF MATERIALS!
This project is open so that anyone can get involved. You don't even have to learn CAD designing or programming. Find ways you can contribute in CONTRIBUTING
R. Heintzmann, X. Uwurukundo, H. Wang, N. Schramma, E. Bingoel, B. Marsikova, B. Diederich, Lichtwerkstatt, IPHT Jena