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Michel Dumontier edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 56 revisions

Bio2RDF is an open-source project that uses Semantic Web technologies to build and provide the largest network of Linked Data for the Life Sciences. Bio2RDF defines a set of simple conventions to create RDF(S) compatible Linked Data from a diverse set of heterogeneously formatted sources obtained from multiple data providers.

Bio2RDF Release 3 (July 2014) Release Notes:

  • ~11 billion triples across 35 datasets
  • new datasets include:, dbSNP, GenAge, GenDR, LSR, OrphaNet, PubMed, SIDER, WormBase)
  • locally hosted endpoints: chembl, linkedSPL, pathwaycommons, reactome, wikipathways
  • more complete dataset statistics
  • hundreds of bug fixes to improve overall representation of datasets.
  • every URI is typed as an instance of an owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty, or owl:DatatypeProperty, as well as typed as an instance of a Resource in the dataset and linked to a description from the Life Science Registry (LSR)
  • CORS-enabled, text indexed, SPARQL 1.1 endpoints using Virtuoso 7.1.0
  • and as always, open source scripts and downloadable content:
