hifiasm -o genome.asm -t64 --h1 hic-reads1.fastq.gz --h2 hic-reads2.fastq.gz hifi.fastq.gz
This command will produce the assemblies for haplotypes two files:
- genome.asm.hic.hap1.p_ctg.gfa
- genome.asm.hic.hap2.p_ctg.gfa
And merged genome will be saved in:
- genome.asm.hic.p_ctg.gfa
The *.gfa files can be converted to FASTA with the following command:
awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' genome.asm.hic.p_ctg.gfa > genome.asm.fa
Chromosome scaffolding with MaSuRCA
chromosome_scaffolder.sh -t 64 -r chm13v2.0.fa -q genome.asm.fa -s hifi.fastq.gz -ch 50
The scaffolded genome will be saved in *.reconciled.fa file