Although CloudFormation is very good in creating Microsoft MSSQL database servers with
Amazon RDS, the mundane task of creating databases, logins and users is not supported.
This custom MSSQL resource provider automates the provisioning of MSSQL databases,
login's and users.
To create a logical database on a Microsoft SQLServer using Cloudformation, you can use the
following custom resource:
Type: Custom::MSSQLDatabase
DeletionPolicy: Retain
Name: kong
URL: !Sub 'mssql://sa@${Database.Endpoint.Address}:${Database.Endpoint.Port}'
PasswordParameterName: !GetAtt DBPassword.ParameterName
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-mssql-resource-provider-${VPC}'
You just specify the name of the database and the server on which it is hosted. The custom provider
does suport renaming of the database, but you cannot "move" it another server.
Although there are 13 types of users on Microsoft SQLServer, the provider only
creates a database user for a server authentication login. An example is shown below, using
the Custom::MSSQLLogin and
Custom::MSSQLUser resources.
Type: Custom::MSSQLLogin
LoginName: kong
DefaultDatabase: !GetAtt KongDatabase.Name
PasswordParameterName: !GetAtt KongPassword.ParameterName
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-mssql-resource-provider-${VPC}'
URL: !Sub 'mssql://sa@${Database.Endpoint.Address}:${Database.Endpoint.Port}'
PasswordParameterName: !Ref DBPassword.ParameterName
Type: Custom::MSSQLUser
UserName: kong
LoginName: !GetAtt KongLogin.LoginName
URL: !Sub 'mssql://${Database.Endpoint.Address}:${Database.Endpoint.Port}/${KongDatabase.Name}'
PasswordParameterName: !GetAtt DBPassword.ParameterName
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-mssql-resource-provider-${VPC}'
The custom provider does suport renaming of the login name and the username. In addition, you
can move the user to another database by changing the database name in the server URL.
but you cannot them to another server.
Finally, you use the Custom::MSSQLDatabaseGrant to grant permissions to the user in the database.
In this case we grant the user ALL
permissions on the database, so that the development team can manage the database
schema themselves.
Type: Custom::MSSQLDatabaseGrant
Permission: ALL
UserName: !GetAtt KongUser.UserName
Database: !GetAtt KongDatabase.Name
URL: !Sub 'mssql://${Database.Endpoint.Address}:${Database.Endpoint.Port}/${KongDatabase.Name}'
PasswordParameterName: !GetAtt DBPassword.ParameterName
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-mssql-resource-provider-${VPC}'
That is all there is to it!
To install this SQLServer custom resource provider, type:
read -p "VPC ID:" VPC_ID
read -p "private subnet ids:" SUBNET_IDS
read -p "default security group:" SG_ID
aws cloudformation deploy \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name cfn-mssql-resource-provider \
--template-file ./cloudformation/cfn-resource-provider.yaml \
--parameter-overrides \
"VPC=$VPC_ID" "Subnets=$SUBNET_IDS" "SecurityGroup=$SG_ID"
As the provider needs to connect to the database server, we connect the Lambda function on private
subnets of the VPC and provide it with a security group which grants access. Install the custom resource
provider on each vpc that you want to be able to create databases, logins and users.
This CloudFormation template will use our pre-packaged provider from
To install the simple sample of the Custom Resource provider, type:
## install the secret provider
curl -o /tmp/cfn-secret-provider.yaml \
aws cloudformation deploy \
--stack-name cfn-secret-provider \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--template-file /tmp/cfn-secret-provider.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name cfn-database-user-provider-demo \
--template-file ./cloudformation/demo-stack.yaml
It will create a Microsoft SQLServer database server too, it will take quiet some time.
With this solution, you can create Microsoft SQLServer databases and users with Cloudformation.
You can host multiple teams on the same server by providing them with their own database
and database users, while you can share the passwords via the AWS Parameter Store.