Small Communities is an application built on Ruby on Rails to drive websites for small groups. The central concepts of the app are Members and Events with Speakers. An administrator backend is provided through the RailsAdmin gem.
Events are available directly as well as on an upcoming calendar and a listing of past events. Members can RSVP for events and non-members can purchase tickets. A Memberships page provides links for purchasing annual memberships.
Purchases are through (simple) PayPal Buy Now buttons and memberships by definition include admission to regular events.
There are also facilities for simple "static" pages, such as About and Contact.
Small Communities uses Rails 3.1; Rails 2 support is precluded by use of certain framework methods and gems not available in Rails 2.
- Devise for authentication
- Compass, Sass and Haml for views and programmable CSS
- jQuery Rails to provide jQuery-based JavaScript helpers
- IceCube and iCalendar for calendaring
- RailsAdmin for automatic admin backend
- RSpec and Cucumber for tests
- Configatron for configuration file support
- Rack-Recaptcha for repatchas
- simple-navigation for the Navigation menu
- Superfish navigation menu JavaScript
- jTweetsAnywhere for displaying tweets
- Apprise for better JavaScript dialogs
- Cantarell font by Abattis Fonts from FontSquirrel
In order to easily customize appearance to match a group's visual branding, Small Communities has a skin system.
Additionally, Small Communities uses Rails' I18N facilities to manage strings displayed so you may edit the provided English file and add other languages as useful.
Clone the SmallCommunities GitHub repo:
git clone git://
One of the gems, linecache19 (used by ruby-debug), doesn't install properly through Bundler, not clear why. The workaround is to install it manually first, so this step is only necessary if linecache19 isn't already on your machine:
gem install linecache19 --no-ri --no-rdoc
Change to the app directory and install the bundle:
cd small_communities bundle install
Install plugins
git submodule init git submodule update
Setup and create the database, run the migrations:
edit config/database.yml rake db:create rake db:migrate
Edit the English locale file, or prepare the one for your language:
edit config/locales/en.yml
Note: You may want to review the RailsAdmin and Devise locale files for your language.
Edit the Mailer and AppConfig initializers:
edit config/initializers/sc_mailer.rb edit config/initializers/app_config.yml
Edit the seeds file and run the rake task:
edit db/seeds.rb rake db:seed
Note: The About and Memberships page titles make use of the locale file
Start the Rails server and load the app in your browser:
rails s http://localhost:3000
- Customize your theme by editing the SCSS files in app/stylesheets
- Review the basic settings in the Settings tab of the Admin backend
- Edit/create your "static" pages in the Pages tab of the Admin backend
- Bill Lazar billsaysthis - maintainer
- Steve Morris stevemorris
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2011 Bill Lazar, See LICENSE for details.