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React Native wrapper for Based off of smooch-cordova

This React Native module was built and tested with version 0.66.3 of React Native. Since React Native is not mature yet, there might be some breaking changes which will break our module. Therefore, if you find a problem, please open an issue.

   "react": "17.0.2,
   "react-native": "^0.66.4",

At the moment, this wrapper only covers the most commonly used features of the Smooch SDK. We encourage you to add to this wrapper or make any feature requests you need. Pull requests most definitely welcome!

Please contact Smooch for any questions.

Installing Smooch on React Native

First, make sure you've signed up for Smooch

If you don't already have a React Native application setup, follow the instructions here to create one. Make sure you use 0.66.3+.

For React Native 0.60+ you do not need to add anything - it autolinks!

 "dependencies": {
   "react-native-smooch": "git+",
yarn install


  • This uses Smooch IOS SDK v10.1.2

  • You must also have your React dependencies defined in your Podfile as described here, for example:

  • Install pods by cd ios and running pod install.

  • Open your project's .xcworkspace file in XCode and initialize Smooch with your app id inside of applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions. Or in your App directory/AppDelegate.m file

#import <Smooch/Smooch.h>


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Initialize Smooch - these instructions are also available on [](
    SKTSettings *customSettings = [SKTSettings settingsWithIntegrationId:@"YOUR_IOS_INT_ID"];
    [Smooch initWithSettings:customSettings completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error, NSDictionary * _Nullable userInfo) {
        NSLog(@"Smooch initWithSettings");
        // Your code after init is complete

You're now ready to start interacting with Smooch in your React Native app.


  • this uses Smooch Android SDK v8.0.0+

  • You can easily add a binding to the Smooch Android SDK in your React Native application by following the instructions below.

  • Add Smooch.init to the onCreate method of your Application class.

import io.smooch.core.Settings;
import io.smooch.core.Smooch;
import io.smooch.core.SmoochCallback;
import io.smooch.core.InitializationStatus;

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
    public void onCreate() {
      SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);
      String integrationId = (BuildConfig.APP_ENV == "PROD") ? BuildConfig.PROD_SMOOCH_INTEGRATION_ID_ANDROID : BuildConfig.STAGE_SMOOCH_INTEGRATION_ID_ANDROID;
      Smooch.init(this, new Settings(integrationId), new SmoochCallback<InitializationStatus>() {
        public void run(Response<InitializationStatus> response) {
          // Handle init result
          Log.d("SmoothInit", String.valueOf(response));
      initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());

You're now ready to start interacting with Smooch in your React Native app.

Using Smooch in your React Native App

Require the module

import { Smooch } from 'react-native-smooch';

To set metadata

const metadata = {
  short_property_code: chatGroupId,
  property_name: chatGroupName,

Show the conversation screen;

Login to Smooch

Smooch.login(smoochUserId, smoochJwt)
  .then(() => {
    console.log('logged in');

Set the user's first name


Set the user's last name


Set the user's email address

Smooch.setEmail("[email protected]");

Turn on events and addListener in React Native

const subscription = SmoochManagerEmitter
  .addListener('unreadCountUpdate', () => updateUnreadCounts());

Later remove it

To set Title and Description in Conversation Header

Smooch.updateConversation('Conversation', label)
  .then(() => {
    console.log('set the header!');

Set the user's sign up date -- not tested

Smooch.setSignedUpAt((new Date).getTime());

This module uses internal DB in IOS and Android to keep track of messages read.

getMessages().then(() => { console.log('got messages') });
to only get those with metadata headers:
getMessagesMetadata(metadata).then(() => { console.log('got messages') });
to get metadata groups  - must have metadata - returns only unread messages and unique short_property_code
getGroupCounts().then(() => { console.log('got messages') });

Associate key/value pairs with the user -- not tested

Smooch.setUserProperties({"whenDidYouFsckUp": "aLongTimeAgo"});

s.d.ts (typescript)

declare module 'react-native-smooch' {
  class Smooch {
    login(smoochUserId: string, smoochJwt: string): Promise<void>;
    logout(): Promise<void>;
    setNotificationCategory(): Promise<void>;
    setFirstName(firstName: string): void;
    setLastName(lastName: string): void;
    setEmail(email: string): void;
    setMetadata(metadata: object): void;
    setRead(msgId: string): void;
      title: string,
      description: string | null,
    ): Promise<void>;
    getMessages(): Promise<IMessage[]>;
    getPushNotificationInfo(): Promise<any>;
    clearPushNotificationInfo(): Promise<any>;
    getIncomeMessages(): Promise<IMessage[]>;
    getMessagesMetadata(metadata: object): Promise<[]>;
    getGroupCounts(): Promise<[]>;
    getGroupCountsIds(): Promise<IGroupIds[]>;
    show(): void;
    close(): void;
    resetLogin(): void;
    setSendHideEvent(hideFlag: boolean): void;
    setMessageSentEvent(isOn: boolean): void;
    getUnreadCount(): Promise<number>;
    triggerNotification(incomeMessage: object): void;
    setFirebaseCloudMessagingToken(token: string): void;
    isLoggedIn(): Promise<boolean>;
  const s = new Smooch();
  class SmoochManagerEmitter {
    addListener(name: string, any): any;
    remove(): void;
  const t = new SmoochManagerEmitter();
  export { s as Smooch, t as SmoochManagerEmitter };
  export type IGroupIds = {
    msgId: string;
    isRead: boolean;

  export type IMessage = {
    id: string;
    is_from_current_user: boolean;
    location_display_name: string;
    short_property_code: string;
    is_read: boolean;
    date: string;
    date_string: string;


React Native wrapper for







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