Unofficial JavaScript library for working with Beer Advocate data. This was originally forked from the unmaintained Beer Advocate API JavaScript library by Charlie Hield.
Beeradvocate API can be installed via NPM. Make sure you’re in your projects directory, and run the following:
$ npm install beeradvocate-api
Next, make sure to include Beeradvocate API in your project.
var ba = require('beeradvocate-api');
Search for a beer
ba.beerSearch("Buffalo Sweat", function(beers) {
"beer_name": "Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat",
"beer_url": "\/beer\/profile\/16333\/54413\/",
"brewery_name": "Tallgrass Brewing Company",
"brewery_location": "Manhattan, Kansas",
"brewery_url": "\/beer\/profile\/16333\/",
"retired": false
"beer_name": "Tallgrass Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat",
"beer_url": "\/beer\/profile\/16333\/88933\/",
"brewery_name": "Tallgrass Brewing Company",
"brewery_location": "Manhattan, Kansas",
"brewery_url": "\/beer\/profile\/16333\/",
"retired": false
"beer_name": "Bourbon Barrel Buffalo Sweat",
"beer_url": "\/beer\/profile\/16333\/179467\/",
"brewery_name": "Tallgrass Brewing Company",
"brewery_location": "Manhattan, Kansas",
"brewery_url": "\/beer\/profile\/16333\/",
"retired": false
Get a specific beer page
ba.beerPage("/beer/profile/16333/54413/", function(beer) {
Output (partially working)
"beer_name": "Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat",
"beer_style": "",
"beer_abv": "%",
"brewery_name": "Tallgrass Brewing Company",
"brewery_state": "",
"brewery_country": "",
"ba_score": "86",
"ba_rating": "very good",
"bros_score": "91",
"bros_rating": "outstanding",
"ratings": "",
"reviews": "",
"avg": "",
"pDev": ""
Beeradvocate API is not associated with Their website is a great resource for all of us, to show thanks you should subscribe to their awesome magazine.
Beeradvocate API was originally forked from Beer Advocate API by Charlie Hield.