0.7.0 (2024-06-09)
adding breakpoint SV type support to library (#142 ) (eb519cc )
Collapse Button for PubTator3 (#585 ) (#173 ) (a67e225 )
implement SV type INS on the library level (#146 ) (5125223 )
make components more robust in case of store/api errors (#160 ) (#161 ) (002a362 )
use api/mehari rather than api/dotty in store/geneInfo (#120 ) (5f50789 )
Bug Fixes
adjust to annonars clinvar_public cardinality changes (#209 ) (#210 ) (18df4a5 )
allow tuning of StrucvarGeneListCard (#144 ) (bc98bdb )
annonars call wrong for grch38 and chromosomes prefixed with chr… (#185 ) (a323f5d )
annonarsClient.fetchClinvarStrucvars in case of no records (#163 ) (4578e36 )
Associated Conditions Card correctly sorts diseases and panels (#513 ) (#159 ) (f35c4cb )
Change hgvs.t and hgvs.p and fix pubator comments (#176 ) (#177 ) (6ece409 )
Consequences skeleton is now message (#506 ) (#130 ) (e58e0f9 )
do not prefix chromosomes with chr in igv link (#189 ) (#190 ) (90b9218 )
do not show skeleton loader if clinvar info is missing (#208 ) (8ad0981 )
do not throw on missing gene ClinVar data (#145 ) (6cbb057 )
genome browser not jumping to locus with grch38 (#202 ) (#203 ) (9eeff66 )
GenomeBrowserCard with configuable nginx URL (#147 ) (0d9c814 )
import plotly landscape statically (#140 ) (9612373 )
Make buttons in Seqvars Scores card smaller (#520 ) (#137 ) (e5943bb )
Make collapse buttons smaller for Population frqs card (#521 ) (#138 ) (49230a2 )
make rfl work with latest annonars clinvar changes (#205 ) (#207 ) (6461700 )
make StrucvarGeneListCard work without gene-details route (#143 ) (39de318 )
Nginx response 500 fro tracks reqeusts (#180 ) (8c5d219 )
Omit permanent circular ncbi (#512 ) (#139 ) (3836272 )
proper conditions for VSkeletonLoader in GeneConditionsCard (#164 ) (d18412c )
Proper counting in variation landscape plot (#495 ) (#128 ) (8f4a0a7 )
Pubtator3 new API responses adaptation (#643 ) (#188 ) (73436d9 )
stores/sevarInfo can limit csq to HGNC ID (#154 ) (3d15507 )
Variation Landscape downsampling (#462 ) (#122 ) (29e5a6d )
VariationLandscapePlotly with empty clinvar info (#148 ) (4f349ce )
Miscellaneous Chores
set next release to v0.6.2 (0a98997 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.