This is a cross-platform Chess game made using SFML.
Bindu Paudel (078BCT032)
Krishant Timilsina (078BCT045)
To setup and use the project you will need to have the following tools installed:
For Windows, MCVC is reuired along with Microsoft Visual Studio for library commpilation.
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Change the working directory to the newly cloned repository:
$ cd chess_rl
Run xmake to install the dependencies & build the project:
$ xmake
checking for platform ... windows
checking for architecture ... x64
checking for Microsoft Visual Studio (x64) version ... 2022
checking for Microsoft C/C++ Compiler (x64) version ... 19.37.32822
[ 5%]: compiling.release main.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\logic\engine.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\pieces\bishop.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\logic\board_state.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\game.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\pieces\king.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\logic\player.cpp
[ 5%]: compiling.release src\logic\piece.cpp
[ 10%]: compiling.release src\pieces\knight.cpp
[ 26%]: compiling.release src\pieces\pawn.cpp
[ 26%]: compiling.release src\pieces\queen.cpp
[ 26%]: compiling.release src\pieces\rook.cpp
[ 31%]: compiling.release src\ui\board.cpp
[ 36%]: compiling.release src\ui\gamemenu.cpp
[ 42%]: compiling.release src\utils\state_machine.cpp
[ 47%]: compiling.release src\utils\test.cpp
[ 89%]: linking.release chess.exe
[100%]: build ok, spent 3.985s
Run the project after it has been built:
$ xmake run