use puppet client 3.4.3 works together with my vagrant-puppetmaster github repos
- vagrant up oradb (oracle database )
- vagrant up adminwls with nodewls1 & nodewls2 (cluster 10.3.6)
- vagrant up adminwls2 ( adminserver 10.3.6 )
- vagrant up adminwls3 ( adminserver 12.1.2 )
- vagrant up adminwls4 ( adminserver + osb PS6 + soa suite PS6 ( with bpm & bam ))
- vagrant up adminwls5 ( adminserver + osb PS6 )
vagrant ssh xxx
su -
use vagrant as password
service iptables stop
echo " puppet" >> /etc/hosts
cd /etc/puppet/
vi puppet.conf
add server to the main section
server =
puppet agent --test