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The notes here are now only specific to LIS related 1km runs.
010 refers to 0.01 degree (1km) resolution. Future runs can thus be readily adapted to any higher/lower resolution as required.

Project folder: /discover/nobackup/projects/coressd

  • everything is relative to this main folder on Discover


OSU: Modis snow cover data downloaded here.
mwrzesie: LIS data generated by Melisa
Github: codes related to Input generation, Blender runs, and post-processing.

  1. verse : scripts (both Python and Julia)
  2. Slurm_Blender : slrum jobs related to generation of input files and post-processing of Blender runs.
  3. slurm_jobs : will be created by blender run automatically as required.
  4. Blender_notebooks: Jupyter notebooks. Mostly for prototyping and analysis of data. But two imporant ones for Blender workflow:
    • LIS/Extract_LIS_1km.ipynb : used to process LIS data. Uses papermill to run as a slurm job. Plan is to convert it to python script when everything is tested and finalized.
    • Modis/Forest/05_MOD44B_on_Discover.ipynb : use directly from Jupyterhub on discover. used to process annual tree-cover data. Since, data already processed no need to run again.
    • paper_outputs : not required to check per se. Output notebooks created by papermill is saved here.
    • rest of notebooks were created during various phases of project and mostly used for protyping of ideas and analysis.

Blender: Blender related data processed by various scripts.

  1. Inputs_010/lis: LIS and MODIS files staged by water year. Input files for Blender run.
  2. Modis: MODIS intermediate files only
    • MOD44B : modis tree-cover reprojected and matched to LIS data
    • MOD10A1F : modis snow-cover data corrected for tree and clipped to match LIS data
      Runs: Blender runs saved relative to resolution. 010 => 1km
    • 010: 1km (1 degree) runs using LIS data staged by WaterYear
    • 010/WY2015/temp_nc: temporary netcdf files for each slice or run
    • 010/WY2015/outputs: Final PAN Americal Outputs created by merging files from "temp_nc" folder

Order of Script Execution for coressd project

I: To Prepare data

  1. : Process LIS data using papermill/jupyter notebook combination
    Use multiple cores
    Outputs: All daily LIS netcdf files saved separately as follows ../Blender/Inputs_010/lis/WY2015 - - - - - (will be created by next slurm job (

  2. Extract NA (North America) scale daily Modis_CGF matching the LIS rasters

  • uses
  • uses ../OSU/MOD10A1F.061/MODIS_Proc/download_snow/.. for snow-cover data
  • uses MOD44B for tree-cover correction
  • Hard dependency to use "" as template and mask
  • intermediate outputs: ../coressd/Blender/Modis/MOD10A1F/clipped2015_010: clipped and matched to seup resolution
  • ../Blender/Inputs_010/lis/WY2015/ : ie, same location as LIS outputs as above.

II: To Run Blender Julia Code


  1. On HPC (Discover): the following julia script will generate slurm jobs for a water_year.
  • cd to Github folder
  • julia verse/Julia/submit_slurm.jl 2015 2 010 # example: for WY2015 with resolution=010 and adaptive slice = 2 rows.
    • generate ~600 slurm jobs that calls the following julia script:
    • julia verse/Julia/call_Blender_v18.jl WY2010 1 17 010 : example script for Blender run for WY2010 from slice 1 to 17
    • slurm job folder:
      • ../slurm_jobs/010/2015/
        • .out/ : slurm outputs saved here
          Blender Outputs: ../Blender/Runs/010/WY2015/temp_nc/ : These netcdf files for each slice will be combined by next script, after which this folder can be deleted.
  • Aside: locally for small area: use "test" prefix to WY. Example: test_WY2015 while calling call_Blender julia script.
    • julia verse/Julia/call_Blender_v18.jl test_WY2015 3005 3006 010
  1. Post-processing (Required for continental map): Combine individual nc_files into PAN American netcdf file
  • uses: Github/Slurm_Blender/
  • calls: julia verse/Julia/combine_nc_files.jl WY$water_year $RES


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