An application implements an algorithm for comparing the strength of Texas Hold'em Hands. A value of a Texas Hold'em Hand is the best possible value out of all possible subsets of 5 cards from the 7 cards which are formed by 5 board cards and 2 hand cards.
- Download the last version of Oracle JDK 1.8 from before the licence change (version 1.8_202) and install in e.g. /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_202/
- Clone the repository
- Go to the project folder, e.g. Texas-Holdem
- Run /javac -sourcepath ./src/main/java -d ./bin ./src/main/java/com/mr/texasholdem/
- Run /java -cp ./bin
- You will be prompted to input data
For example:
4cKs4h8s7s Ad4s Ac4d As9s KhKd 5d6d
Ac4d=Ad4s 5d6d As9s KhKd