Some python scripts to recreate the central absurdity of Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote using variations on a markov chain. It boils down to a python command that will generate a fragment of Don Quixote from the text of Quixote itself.
You'll need to have pipenv installed for some dependencies.
This work also currently depends on levelDB, whcih you may or may not have to install. The plyvel can help out there.
Run pipenv install --dev
to install dependenices
and then pipenv shell
to open a shell where all the dependencies are available.
Now we build the source database. Run:
and about a minute later the database will be created. BY default, it soties the requires files in the local directory ./dqdb
By default, the only data added to the directory is taken form the text of Don Quixote, stored in the root of this repository don-quixote.txt
. You can add other text to the database by using the -f
flag and passing another file.
Now you can make fragments of Quixote by running
which should return somethign like
un grosero villano, o un mentecato gracioso, pensarán que yo soy algún echacuervos, o algún caballero de mohatra? No, no, Sancho amigo, huye, huye destos inconvinientes, que quien tropieza en hablador y en gracioso, al primer puntapié cae y da en truhán desgraciado. Enfrena la lengua, considera y rumia las palabras antes que te salgan de la boca