Aprendo las tecnologías con quien trabajé a la trabajo usando Go pero anteriormente usé Python.
- api - some openapi
- api-chi - simple server in chi
- api-chi-gen - api server with chi generated by oapi-codegen
- api-echo - simple server in echo
- api-echo-gen - api server with echo generated by oapi-codegen
- api-gin-gen - api server with gin generated by oapi-codegen
- api-gofiber-gen - api server with gofiber generated by oapi-codegen
- api-gorilla-gen - api server with gorilla generated by oapi-codegen
- db
- db-gorm - exmaple og gorm
- db-gorm-gen - exmaple og gorm with gorm gen
- db-jet - work with db using jet
- db-migrations - work with sql migrations
- firebase - example io firebase api
- generics - play with generics
- goctx - play with context
- gorutine - play with corutines
- kafka - play with kafka
- loggers - play with various loggers
- math - i do not know what is it
- palabras - i do not know what is it
- qor5 - i do not know what is it
- rabbitmq - play with rabbitmq
- redis - play with redis
- scheduler - play with various schedulers
- slug - play with slug
- struct - play with structs
- unnecessary - i do not know what is it
- unsafe - play with unsafe