This REST API is the authentication service/server for Personal Expenses Tracking System application. This service is created to use as the authentication server to validate users. It provides two services:
- Validate username / password and return user details with token to use in subsequent service calls.
- Validate existing token and provide an updated one with added expiration time.
To run the app, we need to supply the following environment variables:
- Active Profile
- SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE (development, docker, production)
- PETS Service Security Details:
- BASIC_AUTH_USR_PETSSERVICE (auth username of pets-service)
- BASIC_AUTH_PWD_PETSSERVICE (auth password of pets-service)
- The final run command looks like this:
This app is one of the five apps that form the PETS (Personal Expenses Tracking System) application:
- (this)
This app is deployed in Google Cloud Project. The GCP configurations are found in the gcp
folder in the project root.
To deploy to GCP, we need to copy the jar file to that folder and use gcloud app deploy terminal command.