- A Guide to Web Scraping With JavaScript and Node.js
- puppeteer
- puppeteer-cluster
- Web Scraping with a Headless Browser: A Puppeteer Tutorial
- Saving and scraping a website with Puppeteer
- Storing a Python dict as JSON in SQLite using SQLAlchemy
- Data Management With Python, SQLite, and SQLAlchemy
- How to use the Keras Functional API for Deep Learning
- Multi-input Multi-output Model with Keras Functional API
- Video classification with Keras and Deep Learning - PyImageSearch
- Keras: Multiple Inputs and Mixed Data - PyImageSearch
- alxcnwy/Deep-Neural-Networks-for-Video-Classification
- Introduction to Video Classification and Human Activity Recognition
- Keras: Multiple outputs and multiple losses
- 3 ways to create a Keras model with TensorFlow 2.0 (Sequential, Functional, and Model Subclassing)
- Understanding Embedding Layer in Keras
- Deep Learning for Tabular Data using PyTorch
Please take you permissions from the proper authority before using this
N.B: All the scraped images and data are from Bengalmeat's public-facing website.
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://{AWS_BUCKET_NAME}/images/ --human-readable --summarize
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://{AWS_BUCKET_NAME}/videos/ --human-readable --summarize