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bhaibeka edited this page Oct 19, 2011 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the genefu wiki!


How to use Git

  1. Go to the working directory
  2. Check if you have commits you still have to push: git status
  3. List all the repository aliases (by default you should have only one alias that is origin): git remote
  4. Fetch the new version of the code: git fetch -v origin
  5. List all the branches stored in the repository: git branch
  6. Update your directory with the last version of the files in the repository: git merge origin/master
  7. Alternatively, you could use a single command to fetch and merge sequentially: git pull -v origin master
  8. Edit any files
  9. Add the (potentially new) files you edited: git add . (this command will add your edits in ALL the files for the next commit)
  10. Commit your changes: git commit . -m 'my comments about my edits' (this command will commit your edits in ALL the files)
  11. Alternatively you could use a single command to add and commit all the files at once: git commit -am 'my comments about my edits'
  12. Push your edits to the remote repository: git push

See the the Git basics and tutorial for more details.

efficiently compile and check the genefu package

R CMD build --resave-data genefu

R CMD check genefu_*.*.*.tar.gz (where * represents the current version)

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