The actual blog can be found here.
I've used Jekyll for a long time and I am now VERY opinionated on how things are done. If you are curious as to why I laid something out as I did, feel free to contact me.
A lot of things I write are other places. Goodreads, twitter, boardgamegeek, etc... This has a bunch of tools to centralize all of this.
- How do you include custom Bootstrap without including bower_components?
- Do I need to include node_modules?
- Adventures
- Mixtapes
- Bio/About
A few custom things exist in the Rakefile specifically for Jekyll. In Rakefile
there is a CONFIG variable that needs to be created if you decide to copy this
directory. This includes things like categories
for your blog.
rake automation:update # Generate posts from all external sources
rake build:404 # Create the 404.html page and commit to git
rake build:css # Creates all css files needed
rake goodreads:update # Creates posts for goodreads reviews
rake jekyll:start # Will start Jekyll while watching for changes
rake post:blog # Create a new blog post in ./_posts
rake post:mixtape # Create a new mixtape post in ./_posts
rake post:review # Create a new review post in ./_posts
rake spec # Run RSpec code examples
The following directories and their contents are Copyright Brett Hardin. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:
- _posts/
- images/
All other directories and files are MIT Licensed. Feel free to use the HTML and CSS as you please. If you do use them, a link back to would be appreciated, but is not required.