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These are my dotfiles, which includes configurations for bash, vim, git, and powershell.



Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force ; `
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072 ; `
    Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))


Use the install file:

curl -fsSL | sh

Each run of the bootstrap script may also require you to re-source your bashrc and run the following to install vim plugins:

vim +PlugInstall +qall

Completing the configuration

  • Patch Consolas using the font patcher distributed with nerd-fonts. Due to licensing, Consolas cannot be distributed in its patched form.
  • Add the following line to your .localrc: export SOLARIZED='on'

What's Inside

  • bash - aliases, completion, prompt and other tweaks
  • bin - executables here will be added to your $PATH and be available anywhere (UNIX)
  • bin-windows - executables here will be added to your $PATH and be available anywhere (Windows)
  • git - nice gitconfig and global gitignore
  • osx - set sensible defaults for OS X
  • powershell - aliases, functions and custom prompt
  • python - tab completion for the interpreter, history, command editing
  • script - helpers for installation of these dotfiles
  • system - files here will be symlinked to home
  • tmux - configuration for tmux
  • vim - a lot of vimrc tweaks, including the following plugins managed by [vim-plug]:
  • windows - environment for Windows CMD


To customize your installation, create any of the following files in your home directory and make the desired changes:

  • .bootstrap.exclusions: add the names of any configurations you would like to skip during installation (one per line)
  • .localrc: configure bash; add/remove aliases, define functions, etc.
  • .plugins.local.vim: add Vundle Plugin lines to add more vim plugins, or use the UnBundle command defined in plugins.vim to disable plugins

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Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Golden

Licensed under the MIT license.