This is a component set for the page builder of the Betty Blocks platform based on Material-UI.
This repository contains both the component set and the required Material-UI library. You must load this dependency into your application before you can use the component set.
If the Material-UI dependency is not yet installed in your application do this, clone this repository and run:
$ yarn bundle
This generates a bundle.js
file in the dist
folder containing the Material-UI library. When it's finished, follow the next tutorial to upload this file to your bettyblocks application.
Now you can get started with the component set in your application. Use the following link to learn how to use the component set.
To build & run the component set locally:
- Run
to install the dependencies - Run
yarn build
to build the component set - Run
yarn start
to serve the component set on port5002
Note: If you encounter node type errors when running
yarn build
, try re-cloning the repo to see if the issue persists.
Let your us know what you are working on by creating a JIRA ticket via our Techsupport department.
Branch from
.$ git checkout acceptance $ git pull $ git checkout -b feat/a-summary-of-your-ticket-{STORY-ID}
Work on your feature.
When you're confident about your work, submit a pull request to
and assign it to one of the reviewers. You can comment on your techsupport ticket in Jira "In review" and provide the link to the pull request.- If there are conflicts, do not merge
into your branch, you can try mergingacceptance
in your branch and else contact techsupport.
- If there are conflicts, do not merge
Once the ticket is in review our tech department will either give you feedback to make changes or it will be added to the sprint of a team so that the feature can go through our testing process.
Once testing is complete, the techsupport ticket will be promoted to ready for acceptance and you can create a pull request to
. -
When your work is merged into
, it will be released with the next release.
Commit messages should be descriptive in what kind of problem it solves or feature it implements.
Like fix: this solves this bug
or feat: add this feature
Further guidelines about git messages are available here:
Build component set and container:
earthly +docker
Now run the container:
docker run -p 5002:5002 -it component-set:latest