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bethrobson edited this page Oct 7, 2011 · 10 revisions

Head First HTML5 Programming Wiki


  • Chapter 1: Welcome to Webville - Not your father's HTML
  • Chapter 2: A Little Code - Introducing JavaScript and the DOM
  • Chapter 3: A Little Interaction - Event Handlers and All That Jazz
  • Chapter 4: Serious JavaScript - JavaScript Functions and Objects
  • Chapter 5: GeoLocation - Making your HTML Location Aware
  • Chapter 6: Extroverted Apps - JavaScript and Web Services
  • Chapter 7: The Canvas API - Bring out your Inner Artist
  • Chapter 8: Video (with special guest, The Canvas)
  • Chapter 9: A Little More Closet Space - Web Storage
  • Chapter 10: Putting JavaScript to Work - Web Workers
  • Appendix: Stuff we didn't cover, where to go from here
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