OrientSNA is a collection of social network algorithms for networks written in Java, based on OrientDB.
The project uses Maven for dependency management.
I hope to deliver more algorithms in a near future. Any help will be appreciated.
The implemented algorithms are, for now:
- Connected components
- Triangle Count
- Label Propagation
- PageRank
// Prepare your database
OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory("memory:test").setupPool(1, 10);
// Prepare graph data
String nodeFileName = "zachary/nodes";
String edgeFileName = "zachary/edges";
ClassLoader classLoader = OrientSNAMain.class.getClassLoader();
File nodeFile = new File(classLoader.getResource(nodeFileName).getFile());
File edgeFile = new File(classLoader.getResource(edgeFileName).getFile());
// GraphLoader is an example utility class for loading grpah data
GraphLoader loader = new GraphLoader();
loader.load(factory, nodeFile, edgeFile);
// Print the graph, if you want
// GraphUtils.printGraph(factory);
// Prepare the graph engine
// There are two implementations: SingleGraphEngine and ParallelGraphEngine
// Parallel graph engine uses all available cores
GraphAlgoEngine engine = new ParallelGraphEngine(factory);
LabelPropagation lp = new LabelPropagation();
Object2ObjectMap<String,String> node2community = lp.getResult();
// clean actually removes data the algorithm has written into the database
// Get the size of communities
Map<String, Long> communitySizes = node2community
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()) );
.map(e -> e.getKey()+" "+e.getValue())