library for the Arduino.
The MCP3424 is a low-cost 18Bit Sigma-Delta ADC with I2C Interface.
This library implements the following features:
- channel setting by address or pin selection
- continuous and one_shot modes
- selectable sample rates 12,14,16 and 18 bit
- selectable PGA gains: x1, x2, x4, x8
- error detection: overflow, underflow, i2c, progress, timeout
- selectable blocking/non-blocking modes
- highest valid gain selection
- general call signalling
Author: Bernhard Schneider [email protected]
Available from:
License: GNU LGPL
This library may also be used for MCP3421, MCP3422, MCP3423, MCP3425, MCP3426, MCP3427, MCP3428