- step 1 - provision servers (staging and production) using Infrastructure as Code with CloudFormation
- step 2 - stage 1 source version control with CodeCommit
- step 3 - stage 2 test with CodeBuild
- step 4 - create central storage to store artifacts with AWS S3
- step 5 - stage 3 deploy with CodeDeploy
- step 6 - pipeline orchestration with AWS CodePipeline - use
- 6a - pipeline without Testing (2 stages)
- 6b - pipeline with Testing (3 stages)
Youtube Video Link to Summary of this tutorial Remember to subscribe to my channel
Link to the step by step video of this tutorial
ssh ec2-user@ -i ~/path/to/your/sshkey sudo service codedeploy-agent status
CodePipeline & CodeBuild needs a central storage to store all artifacts. The codes below will create a bucket and enable versioning
aws s3 mb s3://anst-demo --region eu-west-1 --profile profilename
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket anst-demo --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled --region eu-west-1 --profile profilename
aws deploy push --application-name anst-webapp --s3-location s3://anst-demo/codedeployinitialrevision/anst.zip --ignore-hidden-files --region eu-west-1 --profile profilename