- PowerShell Version 5
- Windows O\S
- omsAgentInstall Allows for easy installing and uninstalling of the OMS Agent.
- omsAgentWorkSpace Allows for easy adding and removing a OMS Agent workspace.
- omsAgentProxy Allows for the easy adding and removing of a proxy.
- sourcePath OMS Agent installer path
- ensure Should the OMS Agent be installed
- workSpaceID OMS workspace ID
- workSpaceKey OMS workspace Key [pscredential] - Only password used
- ensure Should the OMS Agent workspace exist
- url: Proxy URL\IP - Correct Format: proxy.local:443 || Incorrect Format: https://proxy.local
- credential Proxy Credential if required
- ensure Should the Proxy exist
- Initial release with the following resources:
- omsAgentInstall
- omsAgentWorkSpace
- omsAgentProxy
- No updating of OMS Agent workspace keys
- No updating of OMS Agent Proxy password without changing the User Name as well
- No tests implemented
- Ben Taylor