A server that maintains a pool of connections to a PBX and provides the XML web service API to the PBX systems.
The core "pbxd" part that uses PBX::DEFINITY and Net::Server::PreFork to maintain a pool of PBX connections.
The underlying PBX::DEFINITY module for the server.
A CGI script that handles client access control and maps request to the correct pooled server.
a simple example client in perl
pbx-export: a flexible python client that can bulk extract PBX data
install the PBX::DEFINITY perl module from pbx_lib
install Net::Server::PreFork from CPAN
install, configure and startup the connection pool server
- each PBX needs a conf file in /etc/pbxd/ directory. The name of the conf file should be "pbxd-$pbxd_nodename.conf". The conf file needs to specify a unique port to listen on.
- configure and install the CGI to a web server
- you need to modify the function "lookup_pbxd_port" to add a mapping between the $pbxName and the port the pbxd server is listening for that PBX.
simplify and package the installation
init.d scripts