The famous 2048 game written with Angular 1.5 & ES6.
This game is a clone of the awesome 2048 Game by Gabriele Cirulli which is based on 1024 by Veewo Studio and conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer.
This project is just a display of my personal skills and does not intend to steal
anybody's work.
The game is bundled using webpack and has a low footprint (~ 100Kb minified & gziped)
- I used Sass to write efficient & customizable styles
- I used babel to convert my code to compatible JS
- Every part of the app is an angular component
- Tests are launched with KarmaJS, Jasmine & PhantomJS (see
) - I chose not to use a CSS framework, to show my CSS skills & to lower the footprint
- I wrote components CSS classes as BEM
- The app is compatible with modern browsers
- The font used is Quicksand and is loaded from Google font's CDN
Visit to play the game.
To install it locally you can either clone this repository or download the zip from github.
Get started:
npm install
Launch in dev mode (requires webpack-dev-server
) :
npm start
then open http://localhost:8080/
in your browser or http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server
to have auto-refresh.
Build minified version in /dist
npm build
Launch the tests (requires karma
) :
npm test
Launch the tests in TDD watching style :
npm run test-watch