RedisAWL implements a redis table for the spamassassin AWL/TxRep plugin.
To install the plugin from CPAN:
$ cpanm Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RedisAWL
Load the plugin in init.pre:
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RedisAWL
If you're using the AWL plugin change the AWL datebase type to redis in
auto_whitelist_factory Mail::SpamAssassin::RedisAddrList
If you're using the TxRep plugin use:
txrep_factory Mail::SpamAssassin::RedisAddrList
And you may have to configure the redis server and prefix:
auto_whitelist_redis_prefix awl_
The redis server to use.
Set if you redis server requires a password.
A prefix for AWL keys.
Default: awl_
Will call SELECT to switch database after connect if set to a non-zero value.
Database 0 is the default in redis.
Add an expire timeout to entries in redis.
The default 0 means that no expire timeout is set.
Timeout must be set in seconds.
An entries expiration timeout will be updated whenever a new score is applied to it.
Turn on/off debug on the Redis connection.
Scan a mail an check debug output for redis/awl messages:
$ spamassassin -D < /tmp/testmail 2>&1 | egrep -e 'auto-whitelist' -e 'redis'
Query redis for awl data:
$ redis-cli
redis> keys awl_*
redis> get [email protected]|ip=
redis> get [email protected]|ip=