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Manifest repo for integrating SoftSIM and nrf-sdk

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Table of Contents

  1. Configure NCS to include SoftSIM libraries in your build system
  2. Set-up your API key to get access to SoftSIM profiles through our API
  3. Configure you project to build with SoftSIM
  4. Configuring SoftSIM in NCS samples


For existing toolchains and build systems it is sufficient to update the manifest to point to west.yml inside this repository:

cd <ncs_base>
git clone modules/lib/onomondo-softsim
west config manifest.path modules/lib/onomondo-softsim/
west update

First time setting it up? We recommend using the nRF Connect for Desktop to get the build system correctly set up. Once done, configure the manifest as described above.

Bonus tip: The Toolchain Manager allows you to easily generate the correct environment variables. Click the small arrow and select Generate environment script. The output file contains everything you need to set up the new toolchain.

Your folder structure should look something like:

 |___ .west
 |___ nrf
 |___ nrfxlib
 |___ modules
         |___ ...
     |___ ...
 |___ zephyr
 |___ ...

Alternatively, a new SDK can be initiated with the following two commands if you are already a user of west and nrf:

west init -m
west update

Get access to your free SoftSIM profiles

SoftSIM profiles are delivered through our API. As this can be a bit cumbersome, we've developed a small tool to make this process easier. The tool is available at sofsim-cli. Additional instructions can be found in the CLI repository.

  1. Generate an API key on Follow the instructions on the app.
  2. Download the softsim cli tool for your platform.
  3. Fetch your profiles: ./softsim fetch --api-key = <your_api_key> -n 5. This will create a profiles directory for you with 5 encrypted profiles.

Every time you require a new profile, simply use the ./softsim next --key=<path to your private key>. It will look in the ./profiles folder and decrypt and format a profile. This command guarantees that a new profile is given each time.

Configure and build

There are currently two samples included to showcase how a SoftSIM can be provisioned. It is recommended to start with the static profile sample.

static profile

samples/softsim_static_profile will provision a profile during the first system initialization. The profile is configured in the prj.conf

In the prj.conf you'll find the following options related to the SoftSIM statically provisioned profile. This setup is useful for development, as the profile doesn't have to be re-provisioned every time the device is flashed.


Run ./softsim next --key=~/myPrivateKey (with path to your private key) and grab the output. By default it formats the profile to be accepted by any nRF91 series devices. The profile will look similar to 01120.... Replace the CONFIG_SOFTSIM_STATIC_PROFILE value with your SoftSIM profile.

Build and flash the sample and the device will attach and send data right away.

west build
west flash

This is only to be used during development.

externally provisioned

samples/softsim_external_profile will wait for a profile supplied via UART. After receiving it will be provisioned and the device will reboot to free up the UART port for AT commands.

echo "<my_profile>" > /dev/tty.usbmodem<id>

Which results in:

*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs1 ***
[00:00:00.610,198] <inf> softsim_sample: SoftSIM sample started.
[00:00:00.610,656] <inf> softsim_sample: Waiting for profile... 0/190
[00:00:20.610,717] <inf> softsim_sample: Waiting for profile... 190/190
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs1 ***
[00:00:00.555,664] <inf> softsim_sample: SoftSIM sample started.
[00:00:00.615,875] <inf> softsim_sample: Waiting for LTE connect event.
[00:00:00.744,140] <inf> softsim_sample: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: -1, Tracking area: -1
[00:00:01.185,760] <inf> softsim_sample: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: 13358642, Tracking area: 2000
[00:00:01.308,349] <inf> softsim_sample: RRC mode: Connected```
+CEREG: 5,"07D0","00CBD632",7,,,"00100011","11100000"
[00:00:07.096,221] <inf> softsim_sample: Network registration status: Connected - roaming
[00:00:07.096,405] <inf> softsim_sample: LTE connected!

General usage

For most samples and applications, it's sufficient to build by executing the following command:

west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns -- "-DOVERLAY_CONFIG=$PATH_TO_ONOMONDO_SOFTSIM/overlay-softsim.conf"

Where PATH_TO_ONOMONDO_SOFTSIM is the path of the downloaded Onomondo SoftSIM repository, for example $HOME/ncs/nrf-softsim-dev.


SoftSIM is relying on some default data in the storage partition. This section of the flash can be generated and flashed manually (see steps below) or, as we recommend, automatically included by CONFIG_SOFTSIM_BUNDLE_TEMPLATE_HEX=y

Manually generating SoftSIM profile template data

  1. After building the application, generate the application-specific template profile. west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns -t onomondo_softsim_template
  2. Flash the application-specific template profile. west flash --hex-file build/onomondo-softsim/template.hex

If the partition table of the application changes, for example due to another partition changing size, the template profile must be rebuilt and flashed again. The partition table can be checked at any time with:

west build -t partition_manager_report


Some applications will fail to link with error zephyr/zephyr_pre0.elf uses VFP register arguments (for example modem_shell). In this case it is required to also enable CONFIG_FP_SOFTABI=y. It is suggested to create an additional Kconfig overlay for application specific SoftSIM configurations and add them to overlay-softsim.conf inside the application directory. The application can then be built like this:

west build -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns -- "-DOVERLAY_CONFIG=$PATH_TO_ONOMONDO_SOFTSIM/overlay-softsim.conf;overlay-softsim.conf"


For very large applications, it is required to disable features in order to reduce the size of the application binary and leave space on Flash for the SIM profile. During the build step, a Flash overflow error will be reported if this requirement is not satisfied. The same principle applies for RAM requirements.


Onomondo SoftSIM uses the heap memory pool. It is expected that CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE is at least 30000, so if the target application also uses the heap, please consider adjusting this Kconfig accordingly.


Onomondo SoftSIM cannot coexist with CONFIG_SETTINGS with NVS backend CONFIG_SETTINGS_NVS. Please consider switching instead to FCB backend by enabling CONFIG_SETTINGS_FCB.

Building, flashing and running

To build sample, follow Configure and build. For static provisioning, inside the target application overlay-softsim.conf add:


This will enable provisioning at system initialization if the device has not been provisioned yet. CONFIG_SOFTSIM_STATIC_PROFILE is the string representing the unique SIM profile to be provisioned.

Software SIM selection

The Modem is runtime-configurable to use regular SIM and/or SoftSIM (iSIM). The configuration is done by the AT command AT%CSUS=2 for Software SIM selection. The configuration can be done only when the Modem is deactivated. When reverting to physical SIM, configure with the AT command AT%CSUS=0. SIM selection is committed to NVM after a AT+CFUN=0.

When enabling SoftSIM, the Software SIM will be selected automatically upon initialization.

Understanding the SIM - why SoftSIM is possible.

To be as brief as possible - a SIM is nothing more than a fancy filesystem with the ability to calculate an authentication response to a given authentication challenge. More about that later.

Filesystem operations

For details - refer to

The majority of commands that the SIM understands are related to the underlying filesystem. These include, but not limitied to, SELECT, READ BINARY, UPDATE BINARY, READ RECORD, UPDATE RECORD, SEARCH RECORD. You get the idea. Something about selecting files and either reading them or updating them.

Not all files are free to update. For instance the IMSI can only be changed by the operator with the correct PINs - so a SIM also manages access rights. Some rights are unlocked with the PIN - for that VERIFY PIN command is issued.

The nrf9160 SIM init sequence

What happens when you 'activate' the SIM on your device (AT+CFUN=41)? The first many commands follows the same pattern - 00a4.... which is the SELECT command followed by 00b0.... which is the READ BINARY command.

  • 80f20000000168 - STATUS
  • 00a408040000022fe20168 - SELECT '2fe2' (EF_ICCID)
  • 00b000000a - READ BINARY - Get the actual content of selected fine
  • 00a40804000002 2f000168 - SELECT '2f00' (EF_DIR)
  • 00b2010426 - READ RECORD
  • 00a408040000022f050168 - SELECT '2f05' (EF_PL) which encodes the Preferred Language
  • 00b000000a - - READ BINARY
  • 00a408040000022f080168 - SELECT '2f08' (EF_UMPC) (UICC Maximum Power Consumption)

And the list goes on...

The template SIM profile

The main point here is that EF_DIR, EF_PL, EF_UMPC etc are the same for all SIMs. Only the ICCID and IMSI is different across SIMs when they are fresh out of the factory.

To accomodate that we've created a bootstrapping filesystem that should be flashed together with the application.

The list of files is fairly involved - but in the end only a subset of files are ever accessed.

Internally this is a NVS partition which is a key-value store type. It is pretty compact and generally sufficient. The previous request of reading the ICCID internally translates to something similar to:

00a408040000022fe20168 -> open('/3f00/2fe2) -> nvs_read(id=14)

We've made a caching layer as well to avoid i) slow reads and ii) excessive writes to flash. So, the SoftSIM profile data looks something like:

The first entry is used to translate between paths ('3f00/2fe2) to an actual NVS key. It contains an ordered list of files sorted by frequency of access - i.e. the 'master file, 3f00' is in the top, since it is most frequently accessed.

The list is read and parsed to a linked list - and this makes the base for all cached operations. The order makes the lookup very fast.


And that leads us to provisioning of SIMs.

The IMSI/ICCID should't be a surprise at this point:

#define IMSI_PATH "/3f00/7ff0/6f07"
#define ICCID_PATH "/3f00/2fe2"

int write_profile(...){


  // find the NVS key based on the cache
  struct cache_entry *entry = (struct cache_entry * f_cache_find_by_name(IMSI_PATH, &fs_cache);

  // commit directly to NVS
  nvs_write(&fs, entry->key, profile->IMSI, IMSI_LEN)

  ... // repeat for ICCID and support files


Alright, that was the easy part. In reality something else happens just before:

struct ss_profile profile = {0};
decode_profile(len, profile_r, &profile);

// import to psa_crypto
ss_utils_setup_key(KMU_KEY_SIZE, profile.K, KEY_ID_KI);
ss_utils_setup_key(KMU_KEY_SIZE, profile.KIC, KEY_ID_KIC);
ss_utils_setup_key(KMU_KEY_SIZE, profile.KID, KEY_ID_KID);

3 keys are written to the KMU. These are related to the authentication and remote SIM OTA commands.

When a device finds a network it wants to attach to, something like this happens (simplified version):

Step 5 is a SIM command as well AUTHENTICATE EVEN and it is running the milenage algorithm that also creates session keys, checks that the network in fact isn't an imposter, etc.

The milenage algorithm is AES based and we utilize the KMU through the psa_crypto API to implement this. This means that the keys are very protected and once written they can't ever be extracted. Instead they are used by reference in the crypto engine.

Provisioning SoftSIMs

Is done through a pretty simple interface - nrf_softsim_provision(uint8_t * data, size_t len) decodes and write the profile to the appropriate places. The profile is fetched from Onomondo's API. The sample uses UART to transfer it.

At any time the provisioning status can be queried with nrf_softsim_check_provisioned(). Handy when boothing up as the device can enter a provision mode based on this.

Quick recap

struct profile
  u8[] Ki,
  u8[] KIC,
  u8[] KID,
  u8[] IMSI,
  u8[] ICCID,
  u8[] SMSP // SMS related

The profile encoding is a TLV like structure (Tag Length Value) to make it a bit more flexible. Each field in the profile has a tag assigned e.g. IMSI_TAG=(0x01).

The profile is contructed by encoding TAG|LEN|DATA[LEN] for each field and concatinating multple TLV fields:

Encoding the IMSI is done by: TAG: 1, LEN: 0x12:

IMSI_TLV: 0112082943051220434955

Where the first 4 bytes are recognized as 01(TAG) 12(LEN) and indeed 18 bytes follow.

kConfig options

Isn't completely finalized yet. The following fields should either be y selected by SoftSIM or the application developer:

  • Flash access
  • TFM for psa_crypto
  • NVS for profile

CONFIG_SOFTSIM includes SoftSIM in the build system CONFIG_SOFTSIM_AUTO_INIT starts the SoftSIM task automatically. This can be omitted and done expicitly in the user application.

# SoftSIM uses (a) file system as storage backend. Currently this must be enabled by the user.

# Enable nordic security backend and PSA APIs
# probably already the default?


# include SoftSIM in build

# Currently needed for persistent key storage

Flashing your device:

By command line:

nrfjprog -f NRF91 --sectorerase --log --program /path/to/build/zephyr/merged.hex --reset

Some more details:


mem.h/ss_heap.c can now be optionally used to implement custom allocators - i.e. k_malloc() to avoid conflict with stdc heap pools. We default to k_malloc()/k_free()

More on NVS

The main challenge here is that the NVS is a "key-value" store i.e. UINT16 -> void *. SoftSIM needs a char * path -> void * data map.

To overcome this, the first entry (ID 1) in the NVS will store a mapping from paths to actual ID's.

The ID is leveraged to encode additional information, i.e. if content is in protected storage instead.

Dir entry:

[[ID_1, PATH_LEN, PATH], [ID_n, PATH_LEN, PATH], ...  ]

Where ID is the actual ID where DATA is stored.

ID & 0xFF00 (upper bits) are used for flags, i.e.

#define FS_READ_ONLY         (1UL << 8)
#define FS_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE   (1UL << 7)  // commit changes to NVS on close

The inital DIR is designed to prioritize most accessed files as well. Internally, files are cached and in general kept in memory.

FS_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE is used for SEQ numbers that should be committed to flash directly to reduce attack vectors.

SoftSIM integration in application code

Either call nrf_softsim_init() explicitly or let the kernel do it on boot with the config option.

SoftSIM entrypoint starts its own work queue and returns immediately after. The handler installed with nrf_modem_softsim_req_handler_set() will enqueue requests, as they come and the work queue will unblock and handle the request. The SoftSIM context will be blocked most of the time. The main interaction happens on boot.


Please note that SoftSIM internally need access to a storage partition. This should be pre-populated with the template.hex provided in the samples. The adress in the template.hex is hardcoded but can be moved around freely as pleased with an appropriate tool. The location is derived from the devicetree at compile time ( FIXED_PARTITION_DEVICE(NVS_PARTITION))


Manifest repo for integrating SoftSIM and nrf-sdk






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