A django web app that helps you to crawl TSETMC
share lists, share groups, historical data and live data of the day
- Download list of shares
- Download list of share groups
- Download history of share prices
- Download last day data of the shares including transaction board, prices and transaction datas
- Store historical data in database
- Efficient indexing and analyzing using
dataframe - Normalizing Data of share prices due to events in share data
- Nice admin page for searching and editing data by using
web framework - Compatible with linux cron job system for crawling new historical data every day
- Compatible with
- Compatible with
- Compatible with
or every other production database supported byDjango
git clone https://github.com/behnamhatami/stock
cd stock
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
For first use you need initialize the database
python3 manage.py migrate
then you should crawl the data of the stock lists
python3 manage.py update_share_list
also you can deep crawl tse site for shares (the closed shares in last active day of bazaar) by searching
python3 manage.py update_share_list_by_search
For downloading historical data you can use this command
python3 manage.py update_share_history
if tooks couple of minute depends on your internet quality and TSETMC
site speed to download all historical data of listed shares. It will give stat of the process during crawling TSETMC
To access data you can use Django
model Share
object, which helps you to find your share, accessing its history and analyzing it. You can also find your data in Django