This repository hold the code and mechanics for the DIY Youtube Music Player Box. The root folder contains everything needed to install this on a Raspberry. In addition to that, you'll also find the folder "tag_creator" that contains a Python script for generating paper templates for Youtube QR tags with thumbnails. The mech folder contains the OpenSCAD mechanic designs together with some random example tags models.
scp qr.service requirements.txt configs/mopidy.conf configs/config.txt [email protected]:/tmp
ssh [email protected]
pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt
sudo cp /tmp/mopidy.conf /etc/mopidy
sudo cp /tmp/config.txt /boot/config.txt # This enables PWM audio output on RPI Zero
sudo cp /tmp/qr.service /etc/systemd/system
cp /tmp/ /home/pi
sudo systemctl enable qr
Put a Youtube URL (or Webradio or whatever) into a QR code and put it onto the box -> Video should be played.
Please note that playing a video for the first time takes some moments because it first needs to be downloaded. After this the video will play immediately since it will be cached.