This action will return JIRA issue key from a given input string.
Required The string you want this action to be performed on (example: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
true/false if no match found
JIRA issue key
JIRA issue keys
- name: Get JIRA tickets
id: jira
uses: beachyapp/[email protected]
search: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
- name: output
run: |
echo "first key found: ${{ steps.jira.outputs.key }}"
echo "list of keys: ${{ steps.jira.outputs.keys }}"
echo "match found: ${{ steps.jira.outputs.exists }}"
Checking in your node_modules directory can cause problems. As an alternative, you can use a tool called @vercel/ncc to compile your code and modules into one file used for distribution.
Install vercel/ncc by running this command in your terminal.
npm i -g @vercel/ncc
Compile your index.js file.
ncc build index.js --license licenses.txt
You'll see a new dist/index.js file with your code and the compiled modules. You will also see an accompanying dist/licenses.txt file containing all the licenses of the node_modules you are using.
Change the main keyword in your action.yml file to use the new dist/index.js file.
main: 'dist/index.js'
If you already checked in your node_modules directory, remove it.
rm -rf node_modules/*
From your terminal, commit the updates to your action.yml, dist/index.js, and node_modules files.
git add action.yml dist/index.js node_modules/*
git commit -m "Use vercel/ncc"
git tag -a -m "My first action release" v1.1
git push --follow-tags