#About Nightstand style cradle for an iPhone 5, 5C, or 5S. The exact dimensions in the SolidWorks file are for a Magpul case which I got from Amazon, as well as a 3rd party Lightning cable that is slightly larger than an Apple cable. Setscrew holes (#8 sized) are provided for securing a smaller cord in position. The cable position should be suitable for most slimmer cases, but can be modified in one of the SW sketches.
If you don't have SolidWorks, the dimensions for the key sketches are called out in the photo gallery at http://imgur.com/a/AzYOx so you can re-create in the CAD software of your choice.
#Printing I printed vertically since I've got a decent sized delta printer. The model is about 150mm tall, so if your build volume is limited, you may want to re-orient the model. Material used was MadeSolid PET+, and I printed with 0.2mm layers and 20% infill. It can be done in ABS, although like most large thin parts, it can be prone to cracking unless you've got a heated build chamber.