A proof of concept demonstrating twInBasic solution running as a VBE add-in to run unit tests. This demonstrates the ability to:
Built with twinBASIC IDE version 178
- Work with memory directly
- Obtain ITypeInfos from VBA project which in turn enables access to additional features not exposed via VBIDE addin
- Allows host-agnostic execution of code
- Supports the special
syntax to format the output
This was frankenstein'd together with various code contributions from the following sources & people:
- GreedQuest's Gist (Note: this is a VBx port of C# implementation as originally used in Rubberduck-VBA)
- Cristian Buse's Memory Tools as used in GreedQuest's original gist.
- Mike Wolfe's DocTest implementation
- Eduardo's example of IVBprint implementation
Here is a very rough and simple demonstration: