Using AI's superpowers to help us in our darkest times. Ilayda Buyukdogan and Boogie Cigdemoglu came up with the idea of using OpenAI's GPT and Mistral model on Hugging Face to generate affirmations for people who are feeling down or need a little boost. The idea is to provide a platform where people can come and get a personalized affirmation to improve their quality of life. The affirmation is generated based on the user's input and the model's understanding of the world.
Follow these simple steps to get your affirmation:
Visit the Website: Navigate to the website to start the process.
Enter Your Problem: In the provided input field, type in what you're currently dealing with and then click "Get Affirmation."
Receive Your Affirmation: The universe will provide you with a personalized affirmation. Embrace it and feel the positivity flow through you.
graph LR
user[User] --> frontEnd[Front End HTML JS - Deta]
frontEnd --> backEnd[Backend FastAPI - Heroku]
backEnd --> openAI[OpenAI API]
backEnd --> huggingFace[Hugging Face API]
# Install pip if "pip" not installed
pip -V || brew install [email protected]
# Setup python virtual env
python3.9 -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Install reqs
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Add you OPENAI_API_KEY and MONGODB_URL to a file at root
pip freeze > requirements.txt
python -m uvicorn --host --port 5000 --reload
Access website from Swagger Docs from Redoc Docs from
python -m pytest tests/
Following steps on
# Setup ptyhon and virtual env
python3.9 -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Install fast api with all reqs
pip install "fastapi[all]"
# To serve on heroku
pip install gunicorn requests
# Freeze all reqs
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Test frontend
cd frontend && python -m http.server; cd ..
# Install space
curl -fsSL | sh
space login
# Push to public
space push
source ./env/bin/activate && source
space dev