This project contains templates for learning how to install and configure Apache Cassandra(R) or DataStax Enterprise (DSE) on a local dev machine. It uses Vagrant to configure and run virtual machines (VMs) running in VirtualBox. Vagrant enables quickly building environments in a way that is repeatable and isolated from your host system. This makes it perfect for experimenting with different configurations of Cassandra and DSE.
Why create yet another Cassandra on Vagrant system? Many scripts and Vagrant projects are already fully assembled and configured. Instead, I like to learn from the ground up so I can better understand each step. In the templates below I've also tried to minimize external dependencies, and the number of tools which need to be installed. (For example, I don't use Chef or Puppet here.)
Here are a few related projects I learned from while assembling my Vagrant setup:
- calebgroom/vagrant-cassandra - uses Chef to quickly create a 3-node cluster
- dholbrook/vagrant-cassandra - another Chef
- oeelvik/vagrant-puppet-hadoop-datastax - using Puppet for provisioning
- cjohannsen81/dse-vagrant - similar to my approach, just using script provisioning
You may also find bcantoni/vagrant-deb-proxy helpful for speeding up Ubuntu package installs. See Package Caching below for details.
Posts from my blog related to this project:
Here are some quick screencasts which walk through the three different templates in this project:
Note: This one is obsolete because OpsCenter no longer supports open source Apache Cassandra, but I've left it here to show what OpsCenter used to look like.
Note: This one is obsolete because OpsCenter no longer supports open source Apache Cassandra, but I've left it here to show what OpsCenter used to look like.
Note: These scripts were created on a Mac OS X 10.13/10.14 host with Vagrant v2.2.x and VirtualBox v6.0. Everything should work for Linux or Windows hosts as well, but I have not tested those platforms. Shell scripts which are meant to run on the host (like or would need to have Windows equivalents created.
Edit your local Hosts file to include the private network addresses (this makes it much easier to refer to the VMs by hostname):
# vagrant-cassandra private network hosts cassandra dse0 dse1 dse2 dse3 dse4 dse10 dse11 dse12 dse13 dse14 node0 node1 node2 node3 node10 node11 node12 node13 node14 node15 node16
Alternatively, try the vagrant-hostsupdater plugin which should do the same thing automatically. (I have not tried it.)
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Check that both are installed and reachable from a command line:
$ vagrant --version Vagrant 2.2.7 $ VBoxManage --version 6.0.16r135674
Clone this repository
$ git clone $ cd vagrant-cassandra
Try each of the templates listed below, for example:
$ cd 1.Base $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh
These Vagrant files are configured to use a Debian/Ubuntu APT cache if configured. This can make the provisioning step faster and less susceptible to Ubuntu repository connection speeds.
If you want to run your own locally (through Vagrant), take a look at bcantoni/vagrant-deb-proxy.
To enable package caching, set the DEB_CACHE_HOST
environment variable before creating the Vagrant VMs, for example:
$ export DEB_CACHE_HOST=""
$ vagrant up
The Vagrant documentation is very good and I recommend going through the Getting Started section.
These are the most common commands you'll need with this project:
vagrant up
- Create and configure VMvagrant ssh
- SSH into the VMvagrant halt
- Halt the VM (power off)vagrant suspend
- Suspend the VM (save state)vagrant provision
- Run (or re-run) the provisioner scriptvagrant destroy
- Destroy the VM
These are the starting templates which go through increasing levels of complexity for a Cassandra installation. Each of these is located in its own subdirectory with its own Vagrantfile
(the definition file used by Vagrant) and a README with instructions and more details.
This is a base template with only Java pre-installed. It's a good getting started point to explore installing Cassandra and DataStax packages.
Same as above, but using CentOS instead of Ubuntu.
This template builds and configures a multi-datacenter cluster (6 Cassandra nodes in 2 logical datacenters).
This template focuses on DataStax Enterprise (DSE) and can build a variable number of nodes in a cluster.
This template uses DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra (DDAC) to build a variable number of nodes in a cluster.
- Most templates are currently based off the
box which is running 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. You can change
value if you want to try different guest operating systems.
Copyright 2014-20 Brian Cantoni
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.