A blockchain in javascript with the implementation of a the Proof of Work (PoW) & the implementation of the Consensus.
It uses WebSockets to communicate with the other blockchains of its network.
/listBlocks : display the blocks of the blockchain.
/addTransaction : create a block containing a transaction. Once created, the new block is broadcasted to the other blockchains.
/isBockchainValid : iterates through the blocks & validates the hash of blocks.
/addPeer : add a new blockchain to the network.
/listPeers : list all the registered blockchains of the network.
- the p2p.js has been updated to it should be ported back to the p2pchat repo.
Install Nodeman (https://nodemon.io/)
npm install -g nodemon
nodemon app.js 3000
node app.js 3000