Releases: bbatsche/Verify
3.2.0: Invokable Objects
Main new feature is support for making assertions about invokable objects’ return value or exception(s). Also preparing for forthcoming major release.
What’s Changed
- Deprecate Attribute by @bbatsche in #98
- Callback Verifier by @bbatsche in #100
- Invokable Objects by @bbatsche in #101
- Prepare Release by @bbatsche in #102
Full Changelog:…3.2.0
3.1.0: Method Assertions
Assertions about an object’s methods can now be performed much like attributes. There was some additional refactoring of attribute based assertions that lead to better isolation, less code, and support for dynamic attributes if an object has a __get()
Pull Requests
- Cleanup (3.1) by @bbatsche in #85
- Method Assertions by @bbatsche in #86
- Method Docs by @bbatsche in #88
Full Changelog:…3.1.0
3.0.0: Refactor & Cleanup
The primary focus of this release was internal refactoring to make developing additional feature easier going forward. Support for some older dependencies was also dropped (although we still maintain a very long tail of support). A proper changelog and documentation has also been added.
Pull Requests
- Update File Assertions by @bbatsche in #67
- Ignore Line Endings by @bbatsche in #70
- Add list() Assertion by @bbatsche in #71
- Verify 3.0 by @bbatsche in #73
- Add Captainhook by @bbatsche in #79
- Verify 3.0 Documentation by @bbatsche in #81
- Documentation by @bbatsche in #82
- Changelog by @bbatsche in #83
Full Diff:…3.0.0
2.2.0: PHP 8.0 Compatibility
This release officially supports PHP 8.0, it bumps the version requirements for several dev dependencies, and we have marked all concrete classes as final
. Theoretically this could be considered a breaking change, however extending Verify's classes has always been an unsupported use case.
This release feels far too big to be considered a minor point improvement, but backwards compatibility was fully maintained so here we are!
Major improvements include:
- Full compatibility with PHPUnit 6, 7, 8, and 9
- Compatibility with all versions of PHP 7 was maintained
- Improved attribute access and expanded support for all assertions
- Static analysis for code quality monitoring
- Added newer type assertions
- Added checks for assertions that may have been removed or may not have been implemented yet