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tpc-h 3.0.1 (new formula)
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Closes #28.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Bayandin <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
bayandin committed Aug 30, 2023
1 parent b33e0c4 commit 8557159
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Showing 3 changed files with 139 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Aliases/tpch
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions Formula/tpc-h.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
class TpcH < Formula
desc "Decision Support Benchmark"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "fd55f79713de8cf4074a998f4ecbc1012cee529dc192ca529489830d3c951859"

depends_on "postgresql@15" => :test

# Support macOS
patch do
url ""
sha256 "156f438d343da51ef1ba08ad065909966ff324d9e30fb7abe7202520cbb53133"

# Support Postgres
patch do
url ""
sha256 "341075ee411c14e0bc6d497b3381d5c3d215d231a4f26642c282a70cec9cf4e2"

def schema
CREATE TABLE nation ( n_nationkey INTEGER NOT NULL, n_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL, n_regionkey INTEGER NOT NULL,
n_comment VARCHAR(152));
CREATE TABLE region ( r_regionkey INTEGER NOT NULL, r_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL, r_comment VARCHAR(152));
CREATE TABLE part ( p_partkey INTEGER NOT NULL, p_name VARCHAR(55) NOT NULL, p_mfgr CHAR(25) NOT NULL,
p_brand CHAR(10) NOT NULL, p_type VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, p_size INTEGER NOT NULL,
p_container CHAR(10) NOT NULL, p_retailprice DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, p_comment VARCHAR(23) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER NOT NULL, s_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL, s_address VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
s_nationkey INTEGER NOT NULL, s_phone CHAR(15) NOT NULL, s_acctbal DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL,
s_comment VARCHAR(101) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE partsupp ( ps_partkey INTEGER NOT NULL, ps_suppkey INTEGER NOT NULL, ps_availqty INTEGER NOT NULL,
ps_supplycost DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, ps_comment VARCHAR(199) NOT NULL );
CREATE TABLE customer ( c_custkey INTEGER NOT NULL, c_name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, c_address VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
c_nationkey INTEGER NOT NULL, c_phone CHAR(15) NOT NULL, c_acctbal DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL,
c_mktsegment CHAR(10) NOT NULL, c_comment VARCHAR(117) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE orders ( o_orderkey INTEGER NOT NULL, o_custkey INTEGER NOT NULL, o_orderstatus CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
o_totalprice DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, o_orderdate DATE NOT NULL, o_orderpriority CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
o_clerk CHAR(15) NOT NULL, o_shippriority INTEGER NOT NULL, o_comment VARCHAR(79) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_orderkey INTEGER NOT NULL, l_partkey INTEGER NOT NULL, l_suppkey INTEGER NOT NULL,
l_linenumber INTEGER NOT NULL, l_quantity DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL,
l_extendedprice DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, l_discount DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL,
l_tax DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL, l_returnflag CHAR(1) NOT NULL, l_linestatus CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
l_shipdate DATE NOT NULL, l_commitdate DATE NOT NULL, l_receiptdate DATE NOT NULL,
l_shipinstruct CHAR(25) NOT NULL, l_shipmode CHAR(10) NOT NULL, l_comment VARCHAR(44) NOT NULL);

def indexes
ALTER TABLE supplier ADD PRIMARY KEY (s_suppkey);
ALTER TABLE partsupp ADD PRIMARY KEY (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey);
ALTER TABLE customer ADD PRIMARY KEY (c_custkey);
ALTER TABLE orders ADD PRIMARY KEY (o_orderkey);
ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD PRIMARY KEY (l_orderkey, l_linenumber);
ALTER TABLE nation ADD PRIMARY KEY (n_nationkey);
ALTER TABLE region ADD PRIMARY KEY (r_regionkey);
CREATE INDEX ON supplier USING btree (s_nationkey);
ALTER TABLE supplier ADD FOREIGN KEY (s_nationkey) REFERENCES nation (n_nationkey);
CREATE INDEX ON partsupp USING btree (ps_suppkey);
ALTER TABLE partsupp ADD FOREIGN KEY (ps_partkey) REFERENCES part (p_partkey);
ALTER TABLE partsupp ADD FOREIGN KEY (ps_suppkey) REFERENCES supplier (s_suppkey);
CREATE INDEX ON customer USING btree (c_nationkey);
ALTER TABLE customer ADD FOREIGN KEY (c_nationkey) REFERENCES nation (n_nationkey);
CREATE INDEX ON orders USING btree (o_custkey);
ALTER TABLE orders ADD FOREIGN KEY (o_custkey) REFERENCES customer (c_custkey);
CREATE INDEX ON lineitem USING btree (l_partkey, l_suppkey);
CREATE INDEX ON lineitem USING btree (l_suppkey);
ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD FOREIGN KEY (l_orderkey) REFERENCES orders (o_orderkey);
ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD FOREIGN KEY (l_partkey) REFERENCES part (p_partkey);
ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD FOREIGN KEY (l_suppkey) REFERENCES supplier (s_suppkey);
ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD FOREIGN KEY (l_partkey, l_suppkey) REFERENCES partsupp (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey);
CREATE INDEX ON nation USING btree (n_regionkey);
ALTER TABLE nation ADD FOREIGN KEY (n_regionkey) REFERENCES region (r_regionkey);
ALTER TABLE lineitem ADD CHECK (l_shipdate <= l_receiptdate);

def install
database = "POSTGRESQL"
machine = OS.mac? ? "MACOS" : "LINUX"
workload = "TPCH"

cd "dbgen" do
mv "makefile.suite", "makefile"

inreplace "makefile" do |s|
s.gsub! "DATABASE=", "DATABASE = #{database}"
s.gsub! "MACHINE =", "MACHINE = #{machine}"
s.gsub! "WORKLOAD =", "WORKLOAD = #{workload}"

s.gsub! "CC =", "CC = #{}"

system "make"

(libexec/"bin").install "dbgen"
(libexec/"bin").install "qgen"

libexec.install "dists.dss"
libexec.install "queries"

(bin/"dbgen").write_env_script libexec/"bin/dbgen", DSS_CONFIG: libexec
(bin/"qgen").write_env_script libexec/"bin/qgen", DSS_CONFIG: libexec, DSS_QUERY: libexec/"queries"

prefix.install "EULA.txt"
doc.install "specification.pdf"

test do
postgresql = Formula["postgresql@15"]

pg_ctl = postgresql.opt_bin/"pg_ctl"
psql = postgresql.opt_bin/"psql"
port = free_port

system bin/"dbgen", "-s", "0.05"

ENV["LC_ALL"] = "C"
system pg_ctl, "initdb", "-D", testpath/"test"
(testpath/"test/postgresql.conf").write <<~EOS, mode: "a+"
port = #{port}
system pg_ctl, "start", "-D", testpath/"test", "-l", testpath/"log"
system psql, "-p", port.to_s, "-c", schema, "postgres"
%w[nation region customer lineitem orders part partsupp supplier].each do |table|
system psql, "-p", port.to_s, "-c", "\\copy #{table} from '#{table}.tbl' DELIMITER '|';", "postgres"
system psql, "-p", port.to_s, "-c", indexes, "postgres"
system pg_ctl, "stop", "-D", testpath/"test"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ psql -p55432 -h -U cloud_admin postgres
- [`postgresql@16`](Formula/[email protected]). Pre-release version of Postgres 16.
- [`pgrx`](Formula/pgrx.rb). Build Postgres Extensions with Rust.
- [`[email protected]`](Formula/[email protected]). Old name (and version) of `pgrx`.
- [`tpc-h`](Formula/tpc-h.rb). TPC-H benchmark with patches for MacOS and Postgres support.

# Extensions:

Expand Down

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