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Luke Bakken edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 1 revision

Importing YAML

Contributed By: Jeremiah Peschka

Source File on GitHub

This Ruby program allows you to import a single YAML file into a bucket. The YAML will be converted to JSON. The YAML is expected to be structured as

  attribute_1: value
  attribute_2: value

Usage information

Usage: yaml_importer_.rb [options]
    -f, --file FILE                  YAML to load
    -d, --directory DIRECTORY        Folder to recurse
    -b, --bucket BUCKET              Bukket for mah data!
    -h, --host HOSTNAME              IP/hostname for the Riak cluster
    -p, --port PORT                  Port number
        --help                       Display this screen

The riak_yaml_importer library contains the functionality that is used by yaml_importer. There are two functions in riak_yaml_importer:

import_folder(host, port, bucket, file_list)

which iterates over a list of files and calls:

import_file(host, port, bucket, file)